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. 2014 Nov 24;8:380. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2014.00380

Table 5.

Menstrual cycle studies including fMRI with emotional stimuli.

Author Subjects Cycle phases Task Behavioral results Contrast ROI analyses Whole Brain analyses
Gingnell et al., 2013a 14 NC 6–12/22–27 Neg. and pos. images and the anticipation thereof No effect of phase Neg. > pos. n.a. None
Protopopescu et al., 2005 12 NC 8–12/–23–27 Go NoGo emotional words n.a. Neg. Go > neu Go n.a. ↑↓ OFC in the luteal phase
Pos. Go > neu Go n.a. ↑ ACC in the luteal phase
Neg. NoGo > neu NoGo n.a. ↑ OFC in the luteal phase
Gingnell et al., 2012 15 NC 6–12/22–27 Facial emotion recognition No effect of phase Angry & afraid faces > shapes ↑ amygdala in luteal phase n.a.
Gingnell et al., 2013b 17 NC 1–10/15–21 Facial emotion recognition no effect of phase Angry & afraid faces > shapes ↓ amygdala in luteal phase n.a.
Andreano and Cahill, 2010 17 NC 1–7/18–24 Neg. and neutral images n.a. Neg. > neutral ↑ amygdala and hippocampus in luteal phase ↑ IFG, fusiform gyrus, cerebellum, CN in the luteal phase
Goldstein et al., 2005 12 NC 2–3/16–18 Neg. and neutral images n.a. Neg. > neutral ↑ BA 40, BA 423 in late follicular n.a.
↓ ACC, hypothalamus, brain stem, OFC, amygdala, BA 47, BA 10, BA 18, BA 19, BA 37, BA 30, BA 23, BA 39, cerebellum in late follicular
Bayer et al., 2014 22 NC 0–4/17–23 Encoding of neg., pos. and neutral images ↓ recollection of negative stimuli in luteal phase Emotional (hit>miss) > neutral (hit>miss) ↓ hippocampus in luteal phase n.a.
Negative (hit>miss) > neutral (hit>miss) ↑ amygdala in luteal phase n.a.
Positive (hit>miss) > neutral (hit>miss) ↓ ACC in the luteal phase n.a.
Rupp et al., 2009 10 NC 10–12/19–23 Evaluation of attractiveness in houses and faces No effect of phase Faces > houses n.a. ↓ OFC in luteal phase
Derntl et al., 2008a 22 NC 1–14/15–28 Facial emotion recognition ↓ recognition accuracy in luteal phase Emotional faces > cross hair ↓ amygdala in the luteal phase ↓ hippocampus in the luteal phase
Disgusted faces > cross hair n.a. ↓ fusiform gyrus in the luteal phase
Sad faces > cross hair n.a. ↓ MTG in the luteal phase
Neutral faces > cross hair ↓ hippocampus in the luteal phase
Zeidan et al., 2011 34 NC Low E2/High E2 Fear conditioning and extinction No effect of group CS+ > CS- None n.a.
No effect of group Late CS+E > early CS+E ↑ mPFC in high E2 n.a.
↑ extinction memory in high E2 first CS+E >first CS+NE ↑ mPFC and amygdala in high E2 n.a.

NC, normal cycling; E2, estradiol; neg., negative; pos., positive; neu, neutral; ACC, anterior cingulate cortex; dmPFC, dorsomedial prefrontal cortex; dlPFC, dorsolateral prefrontal.