Table 5.
MSC Monoculture: Methods to Promote Differentiation and Prevent Hypertrophy
Dominant factor | Specific factors | Species and cell source | Ref. No. |
Growth factor | TGF-β1 | Rabbit MSCs | 90 |
TGF-β3 | Porcine MSCs | 91 | |
TGF-β3 and PTHrP (in vivo) | Human MSCs implanted in nude mice | 96 | |
Biomaterial | Collagen type I–GAG scaffold | Rat MSCs | 27 |
Collagen type II scaffold (in vivo) | Rabbit MSCs implanted in rabbits | 93 | |
Poly(lactic acid) with perlecan domain I, collagen type II fibril, BMP-2 complexes | Mouse MSCs | 94 | |
Hypoxia and 3D culture | Agarose hydrogel and hypoxia (5% O2) | Porcine MSCs | 98 |
Pellet culture and hypoxia (1% O2) | Human MSCs | 99 | |
Mechanical stimulation | Dynamic loading of fibrin-polyurethane scaffolds | Human MSCs | 95,100 |
Cyclic compressive loading | Rabbit MSCs | 101,102 | |
Dynamic loading with TGF-β1 or IGF-1 | Bovine MSCs | 103 |
GAG, glycosaminoglycan; IGF, insulin-like growth factor; PTHrP, parathyroid hormone-related protein.