Fig. 6.
Kidney function and survival. (A) Results show the BUN levels (mg/dl) in WT B6 (n = 5–13; closed circles), FcμR(+) B6/lpr (n = 8–16; closed inverted triangles) and FcμR(−) B6/lpr (n = 15–21; closed diamonds) mice at 20 (top) and 50 (bottom) weeks of ages. Each symbol represents data from an individual mouse. The shaded area represents the range within 2 SDs of the mean of WT B6 mice. (B) Survival of FcμR(+) B6/lpr (n = 17; unfilled circles) and FcμR(−) B6/lpr (n = 20; filled circles) mice up to 50 weeks of age.