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. 2004 Jan;93(1):75–86. doi: 10.1093/aob/mch007

Table 2.

Histochemical analysis of labellar papillae

Foods present in papillae
Taxon Accession no. Type of papilla Protein Starch Lipid
M. acutifolia Lindl. MMB64 o, cl + + ce + s
M. buchtienii Schltr. KLD199813 o + +
M. camaridii Rchb.f. KLD199920 c +
M. chrysantha Barb. Rodr. S19940012 a +
M. jenischiana (Rchb.f.) Garay & C. Schweinf. S19980077 c + +
M. jocunda Lehm. & Kraenzl. S19990297 o + +
M. lexarzana Soto Arenas & F. Chiang KLD199706 a +
M. mosenii Kraenzl. var. hatschbachii (Schltr.) Hoehne S19980051 c +
M. pseudoreichenheimiana Dodson MMC16 o +
M. reichenheimiana Endres & Rchb.f. MMA50 o +
M. rufescens Lindl. S19980055 o, cl + + +
M. cf. setigera Lindl. S19980057 o + +
M. tenuibulba E.A. Christenson MMB16 c, o, cl + + ce + s
M. tenuifolia Lindl. S00000282 v +

Types of papillae: c = conical; cl = clavate; o = obpyriform; v = villiform; a = absent.

+ and – indicate presence and absence, respectively, of food substance, whereas ce indicates that the food substance is largely concentrated in the central papillae of the labellum and s that the substance is secreted onto the labellar surface.