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. 2004 Jan;93(1):39–51. doi: 10.1093/aob/mch009

Table 1.

Distribution of pollinarium morphology and flower rewards in the studied taxa according to the alliances of Pabst and Dungs (1977)

Taxa sampled Voucher/source information Pollinarium morphology Flower reward
Hylaeorchis petiolaris Carnevali and G.A. Romero 15847 (SP) Type 2 None
Maxillaria schunkeana Campacci & Kaustky Koehler sn (UEC) Type 1, av/tt None
Mormolyca cf. galeata Lindl. 16981 (SP) Type 1, av/tt None
Scuticaria hadwenii Hort. ex Hook. 11996D (SP) Type 1, av/tt None
Bifrenaria harrisoniae’ alliance
B. harrrisoniae (Hook) Rchb. f. Simões et al. sn (UEC) Type 1, rv/lt None
B. tyrianthina (Lodd.) Rchb. f. 5100 (SP) Type 1, rv/lt None
Bifrenaria racemosa’ alliance
B. aureofulva (Hook) Lindl. Simões et al sn (UEC); 15682 (SP) Type 1, rv/lt None
Maxillaria alba’ alliance
M. alba (Hook) Lindl. Koehler 184 (UEC); ESA 12 (ESA) Type 3 None
M. jenischiana (Rchb. f) C. Schweinf. Breier 294 (UEC); 15679 (SP);1382 (SP) Type 1, pv/st None
Maxillaria camaridii’ alliance
M. camaridii Rchb. f. Koehler 215 (UEC) Type 1, slightly av/st Trichomes
M. pendens Pabst Koehler sn (UEC); 29479D (ESA) Type 1, pv/st Nectar
M. rigida Barb. Rodr. Breier 215 (UEC) Type 1, pv/st Nectar
Maxillaria desvauxiana’ alliance
M. desvauxiana Rchb. f. 2432 (SP); 702 (SP); 704 (SP) Type 1, av/tt None
Maxillaria discolor’ alliance
M. brasiliensis Brieger & Illg Breier 216 (UEC); Breier 159 (UEC) Type 1, av/st Trichomes
M. discolor (G. Lodd. ex. Lindl) Rchb. f. 18826 (ESA), 19582 (ESA) Type 1, av/st Trichomes
M. nasuta Rchb. f. 13234 (ESA) Type 1, av/st Resin‐like secretion
M. superflua Rchb. f. 19498 (ESA) Type 1, av/st Resin‐like secretion
M. villosa (Barb. Rodr.) Cogn. 14561 (SP) Type 1, av/st Trichomes
M. violaceopunctata Rchb. f. 10111 (SP) Type 1, av/st Viscous secretion
Maxillaria gracilis’ alliance
M. barbosae Loefgr. ex Porto Faria sn (UEC); 16516 (SP), 1370 (SP) Type 2 None
M. gracilis Lodd. 5153 (SP) Type 2 None
M. kautskyi Pabst Koehler 261 (UEC) Type 2 None
Maxillaria lactea’ alliance
M. friedrichstahlii Rchb. f. 15196 (SP) Type 1, sv/st Resin‐like secretion
Maxillaria lindleyana’ alliance
M. lindleyana Schltr. Faria 122 (UEC) Type 3 Trichomes
Maxillaria madida’ alliance
M. cogniauxiana Hoehne 12253; 17069 (SP) Type 1 None
M. madida Lindl. 5252 (SP) Type 1, av/tt None
Maxillaria marginata’ alliance
M. chrysantha Barb. Rodr. Koehler 181 (UEC); 33127 (ESA) Type 1 None
M. marginata Fenzl Faria sn (UEC) Type 2 None
Maxillaria multiflora’ alliance
M. leucaimata Barb. Rodr. Breier 183 (UEC); 16766 (SP) Type 3 None
M. parkeri Hook. 15044 (SP) Type 3 None
M. robusta Barb. Rodr. Koehler 218 (UEC) Type 3 None
Maxillaria picta’ alliance
M. consanguinea Klotzsch Koehler 183 (UEC); 1952 (ESA) Type 2 None
M. phoenicanthera Barb. Rodr. 4103 (SP); 33108 (ESA) Type 2 None
M. picta Hook. Koehler 196 (UEC); Faria sn (UEC) Type 2 None
M. porphyrostele Rchb. f. 11376 (SP); Koehler 197 (UEC); 12172 (SP) Type 2 None
M. ubatubana Hoehne Koehler 216 (UEC); 23601 (ESA) Type 2 None
Maxillaria pumila’ alliance
M. ferdinandiana Barb. Rodr 1128 (SP) Type 1, av/tt None
M. pumila Hook. 12070; 4056 (SP) Type 1, av/tt None
Maxillaria rufescens’ alliance
M. cf. acutifolia Lindl. Koehler 210 (UEC); 9301 (SP) Type 1, av/tt Trichomes
M. rufescens Lindl. Breier 213 (UEC) Type 1, av/tt Trichomes
Maxillaria sp. 953 (SP) Type 1, av/tt Trichomes
Maxillaria splendens’ alliance
M. bradei Schltr. ex Hoehne Koehler 225; 15665 (SP) Type 3 Trichomes
M. ochroleuca Lodd. ex Lindl. Pansarin sn (UEC) Type 3 Trichomes
M. splendens Poepp. and Endl. 15240 (SP) Type 3 Trichomes
Maxillaria subulata’ alliance
M. acicularis Herb. ex Lindl. 10423 (SP) Type 1, av/st None
M. juergensii Schltr. 1003 (SP) Type 1, av/st None
M. vitelliniflora Barb. Rodr. 8629 (SP) Type 1, pv/st None
Maxillaria uncata’ alliance
M. cerifera Barb. Rodr. 4527 (SP) Type 1, pv/st Wax‐like secretion
M. johannis Pabst 8452 (SP) Type 1, av/st None
M. notylioglossa Rchb. f. Breier 214 (UEC) Type 1, pv/st Resin‐like secretion
M. uncata Lindl. Koehler 129 (UEC); 15485 (SP) Type 4 None
Maxillaria valenzuelana’ alliance
M. equitans (Schltr.) Garay Koehler 191 (UEC) Type 1, av/st Resin‐like secretion
M. valenzuelana (A. Rich.) Nash 3179 (SP) Type 1, av/st Trichomes
Ornithidium’ (sensu Pabst & Dungs, 1977)
Maxillaria parviflora (Poepp. & Endl.) Garay Singer sn (UEC), 911 (SP) Type 1, pv/st Nectar
Trigonidium latifolium’ alliance
T. obtusum Lindl. Breier 253 (UEC); 11111 (ESA) Type 2 None
T. cf. turbinatum Rchb.f. 15982 (SP) Type 2 None
Trigonidium tenuis’ alliance
T. acuminatum Batem. ex Lindl. Koehler 134 (UEC); 86441D (SP); 17796 (ESA) Type 1, av/tt None
Xylobium colleyii’ alliance
X. colleyii (Batem. ex Lindl.) Rolfe Koehler 105 (UEC) Type 1, av/tt None
Xylobium variegatum’ alliance
X. foveatum (Lindl.) G. Nicholson Koehler 200 (UEC) Type 1, av/tt None
X. variegatum (Ruiz & Pav.) Garay & Dunsterv. Singer sn (UEC); A336 (SP) Type 1, av/tt None

Plants deposited at UEC, SP and ESA are, respectively, in cultivation at Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Botânica de São Paulo and Escola Superior de Agronomia Luiz de Queiroz.

rv, Truncate to rounded viscidium; av, arcuate viscidium; sv, sagittate viscidium; pv, pad‐like viscidium; lt, liguliform tegula; st, strap‐like tegula; tt, triangular tegula.