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Table 2.

Photosynthetic nitrogen and phosphorus use efficiencies (PNUE, PPUE; g structural d. wt g–1 N(P) d–1) of parent plant leaf blade material over an 18‐d period following cessation of culm elongation growth in Poa alpina

Low nutrient High nutrient
Nutrient Ambient CO2 Elevated CO2 Ambient CO2 Elevated CO2
PNUE 0·9 ± 0·32b 0·1 ± 0·08a 0·9 ± 0·51ab 4·1 ± 0·87c
PPUE 1·9 ± 0·64a 0·3 ± 0·19a 1·7 ± 0·92a 11·9 ± 2·59b

Plants were grown in either one‐fifth strength (low nutrient) or full‐strength (high nutrient) Long Ashton nutrient solution, and either 350 µmol mol–1 (ambient) or 690 µmol mol–1 (elevated) CO2. Data are means of four replicates ± s.e. Different superscripts indicate significant differences between treatment means for each nutrient use efficiency (PNUE or PPUE) at P < 0·05 determined by Tukey’s multiple comparison procedure (ANOVA) (sensu Zar, 1999).