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Table 1B.


Symbol Definition Unit
Main symbols
  a Light extinction coefficient m2 (ground) mol–1 (C)
  bg Growth limitation border
  bp Photosynthesis limitation border
  CJj Concentration of substance J in compartment j mol (J) m–3
  CJ Content of substance J mol (J) kg–1 (DM)
  C Exponent in respiration equation K–1
  E{Tj} Maintenance respiration rate of a closed‐canopy crop mol (C) m–2 (ground) s–1
  FCg Growth respiration rate mol (C) m–2 (ground) s–1
  FCm Maintenance respiration rate mol (C) m–2 (ground) s–1
  F Cp Gross photosynthesis rate mol (C) m–2 (ground) s–1
  F Jij Flux of substance J from compartment i to compartment j mol (J) m–2 (ground) s–1
  f{MCs} Fraction of light intercepted by canopy
  g A collection of parameters m3 (H2O) Pa mol–1 (C)
  G{Tj} Unattenuated growth rate of a closed canopy mol (C) m–2 (ground) s–1
  hgCv} Growth limitation function (hg 1 when no limitation)
  hpCv} Photosynthesis limitation function (hp = 1 when no limitation)
  I Light intensity mol (PAP) m–2 (ground) s–1
  K Maintenance respiration rate at T = T* mol (C) m–2 (ground) s–1
  K Michaelis–Menten coefficient for N uptake mol (N) m–3 (H2O)
  M Jj Molar mass of substance J in compartment j mol (J) m–2 (ground)
  p Plants per unit ground area plant m–2
  P{I,CCa} Unattenuated gross photosynthesis of a closed canopy mol (C) m–2 (ground) s–1
  r N : C ratio in structure mol (N) mol–1 (C)
  s g Growth limitation slope
  s p Photosynthesis limitation slope
  T j Temperature of compartment j K
  T * Reference temperature K
  t Time s
  U{CNn,Tn} Uptake rate of nitrogen by a closed canopy mol (N) m–2 (ground) s–1
  V Volume of water m3 (H2O) m–2 (ground)
  W Weight of plant kg per plant
  θ Osmotic potential associated with one unit of vacuolar J m3 (H2O) Pa mol–1 (J)
  ΓJv Normalised J‐concentration in vacuole
  ϵ Photosynthetic efficiency mol (C) mol–1 (PAP)
  ζ An alternative to ξ
  ηJ Conversion factor; dry matter to substance J kg (DM) mol–1 (J)
  θ Growth respiration as fraction of growth
  λ Volume of water associated with one unit of structural C m3 (H2O) mol–1 (C)
  ν Ratio g{t}/e{t}
  ξ Partitioning parameter
  Π Osmotic potential in vacuole Pa
  ρ Density of water kg (H2O) m–3 (H2O)
  σ Leaf conductance to CO2 m s–1
  ϕ Nitrogen uptake efficiency mol (N) mol–1 (C)
  a Ambient air
  e Excess carbon
  i,j General compartment indices
  n Nutrient solution
  s Structure
  v Vacuole
  C Carbon
  D Dry matter
  F Fresh matter
  I,J General substance indices
  N Nitrogen
  nit‐N nitrate N
  red‐N reduced N
  tot‐N total N
 Nutritional situations
  A Abundant N
  L Limiting N
  DMC Dry matter content
  FM Fresh matter
  PAP Photosynthetically active photons
  RGR Relative growth rate
  RNR Relative nutrient addition rate

–, Indicates dimensionless quantities.

{}, Used exclusively to contain the arguments of functions.