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Table 2.

Leaf concentrations of elements and mole ratio of Si : Al and Si : Ca in ten Rubiaceae and one Melastomataceae species

Family Leaf concentrations (mg kg–1) Mole ratio
Species Al Si Mn Fe Zn Cu Ca Si : Al Si : Ca
Alberta minor 2472 586 92 61 17 1 2066 0·226 0·404
Canthium confertum 1885 6589 14 77 54 3 23 482 3·360 0·400
Coccocypselum canescens 10 357 6515 149 746 59 8 16 975 0·603 0·548
Coptosapelta olaciformis 10 535 3560 3644 160 46 5 8428 0·324 0·603
Craterispermum laurinum 36 202 13 438 587 391 33 18 11 389 0·356 1·684
Danais fragrans 9146 12 100 358 101 28 6 10 743 1·270 1·608
Emmeorhiza umbellata 1 1222 22 075 68 160 42 6 14 214 17·386 2·216
Emmeorhiza umbellata 2 2452 4812 24 250 32 5 15 865 1·886 0·433
Gouldia terminalis 1946 5118 892 57 39 2 24 595 2·526 0·297
Saprosma arboreum 9854 3571 737 50 41 3 15 731 0·347 0·324
Triainolepis hildebrandtii (Trace) 5305 7 46 17 3 25 245 0·300
Melastoma malabathricum 7130 (Trace) 208 651 36 11 12 143

Only one sample was tested for each specimen.