Table 2.
Visiting bee species and the rewards collected from the flowers of neotropical Malpighiaceae from a semi‐deciduous forest in south‐eastern Brazil
Bee species | Rewards | Plant species |
Centris (Xanthemisia) bicolor Lepeletier | O | Blu, Dbr, Man, Sla, Tph |
Centris (Melanocentris) collaris Lepeletier | O | Bad, Bmu, Dbr, Man, Sla, Tgu, Tph |
Centris (Melanocentris) discolor Smith | O | Bad, Dbr, Man |
Centris (Melanocentris) mocsaryi Friese | O | Bad, Bmu, Dbr, Man, Mco, Sla, Tgu |
Centris (Centris) aenea Lepeletier | O | Dbr |
Centris (Paremisia) fuscata Lepeletier | O | Bad, Tgu |
Centris (Heterocentris) labrosa Friese | O | Dbr |
Centris (Centris) nitens Lepeletier | O | Dbr, Mco |
Centris (Hemisiella) tarsata Smith | O | Blu, Dbr, Mse |
Centris (Hemisiella)trigonoides Lepeletier | O | Dbr, Sla |
Epicharis (Epicharis) affinis Friese | O/P | Bad, Bmu, Dbr, Hin, Man, Sla, Tgu, Tph |
Epicharis (Triepicharis) analis Lepeletier | O | Bmu, Dbr |
Epicharis (Epicharis) flava Friese | O/P | all, except Mco |
Epicharis (Triepicharis) schrottkyi Friese | O/P | Bad, Bmu, Dbr, Mco, Sla |
Epicharis (Epicharitides) obscura Friese | O | Bad, Bmu, Sla |
Monoeca sp.1 | O/P | Bad, Bmu, Dbr |
Monoeca sp.2 | O | Bad, Man, Sla |
Monoeca sp.3 | O | Hin |
Paratetrapedia (P.) velutina Friese | O/P | Sla, Tgu |
Paratetrapedia (Lophopedia) sp.1 | O/P | Bad, Dbr, Sla |
Paratetrapedia (L.) sp.2 | O/P | Bad, Bmu, Bpu, Dbr, Hin, Mco, Sla |
Paratetrapedia (L.) sp.3 | O/P | Bad |
Tetrapedia (T.) diversipes Klug | O/P | Bad, Hin, Mco, Sla, Tgu |
O, oil; P, pollen; Bad, B. adenopoda; Blu, B. lutea; Bmu, B. muricata; Bpu, B. pubipetala; Dbr, D. bracteosa; Hin, H. intermedia; Man, M. anisopetala; Mco, M. cordifolia; Mse, M. sepium; Sla, S. lalandianum; Tgu, T. guilleminiana; Tph, T. phlomoides.