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Table 2.

Coefficient of variation (%) and moments of the frequency distributions of seed mass (Yp; g per plant), seed number per plant (NS) and harvest index per plant (H, dimensionless) in soybean, sunflower and maize crops grown at high plant population densities (56·5, 10·3 and 16·9 plants m–2, respectively)

Soybean Sunflower* Maize
Y p N S H Y p N S H Y p N S H
Mean ± s. e. 7·8 ± 0·6 52 ± 3·7 46 ± 1·4 29·7 ± 1·9 861 ± 44·4 25 ± 1·2 59·8 ± 4·2 240 ± 17·0 33 ± 2·1
Skewness 0·85 0·60 –1·44 0·29 –0·09 –0·94 –0·32 –0·29 –0·71
Kurtosis 0·28 –0·59 1·24 –0·80 –0·66 –0·34 –1·35 –1·49 –1·33
CV 82 77 33 67 53 50 72 73 66
Median 6·5 43 51 28·4 868 31 75·4 308 47
Mode 0·08 1 57 0 0 0 0 0 0

* Early‐senesced plants were excluded from the analysis at maturity.