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Table 2.

Final kernel weight, maximum water content, duration of the lag phase and of the grain‐filling period, and growth rate of kernels from floret positions 10 to 15

Stand density (plants m–2) Pollination treatment Final kernel weight (mg per kernel) Maximum water content (mg per kernel) Duration of the grain filling period (°Cd) Duration of the lag phase (°Cd) Kernel growth rate (mg 10–2 °Cd–1)
HoldensLH198 × LH185
 1 Natural 364·4 314·4 1094 249 42·9
Restricted 364·3 306·2 1034 259 46·9*
 8 Natural 310·7 249·4 1046 254 39·5
Restricted 371·8* 309·7* 1084 275 45·9*
 18 Natural 291·4 230·7 1084 252 34·9
Restricted 337·8* 272·3* 1082 255 40·7*
Dekalb DK611
 1 Natural 349·9 270·1 1091 255 41·8
Restricted 364·7 283·9 1074 247 43·9
 8 Natural 268·8 192·6 1092 253 31·8
Restricted 333·0* 262·3* 1101 272 40·1*
 18 Natural 252·7 179·5 1093 261 30·2
Restricted 313·9* 232·5* 1079 270 38·7*

Holdens LH198 × LH185 and Dekalb DK611 maize plants were sown at three stand densities and exposed to natural and restricted pollination. Final kernel weight, duration of the phase, and kernel growth rate were calculated with a bilinear plateau model. Maximum water content was determined as the maximum value registered within each treatment combination. Statistical comparisons are for each hybrid × stand density combination.

* Significantly different from natural pollination at P < 0·05.