Table 1. Descriptive Statistics.
Variable | Mean | SE |
DASS Depression Scale | .59 | .06 |
PEP (Baseline) | 120.52 | .92 |
PEP (Task) | 120.29 | .99 |
RSA (Baseline) | 6.22 | .12 |
RSA (Task) | 6.22 | .11 |
IBI (Baseline) | 773.92 | 11.12 |
IBI (Task) | 778.82 | 10.57 |
Respiration Rate (Baseline) | 17.95 | .24 |
Respiration Rate (Task) | 18.41 | .26 |
Note. n = 131. PEP = pre-ejection period (in ms); RSA = respiratory sinus arrhythmia (in ms2); IBI = interbeat interval (in ms); respiration rate is in cycles per minute. These values are raw descriptive statistics. Due to estimation methods and occasional missing data, the values will vary from the maximum-likelihood-based values of intercepts and slopes estimated in the multilevel models.