Figure 4. LAM depletion in fat body causes its inflammation.
A–B. Graphs of the overlap of up- (A) or down-regulated (B) genes between old wild-type fat bodies and young fat bodies depleted of LAM.
C. A list of selected up-regulated genes of IMD pathway from the old wild-type fat bodies or the young fat bodies depleted of LAM. Numbers and colors indicate similar fold increases.
D–E. qRT-PCR of selected PGRPs (D) and AMPs (E) in control or Lam depleted young fat bodies. The increase of expression upon Lam RNAi was plotted relative to controls. Error bars, SEM from three independent experiments. Student’s t-tests, *p<0.05, **p<0.01.
F–G. Lam RNAi in fat bodies causes increased expression of Dpt-lacZ (F, a representative of 13 out of 15 fat bodies) compared to the control (G, 12 fat bodies analyzed).
H–K. Increased nuclear REL localization in old fat body (J, white arrows) compared to young (H, yellow arrows) was reduced by forced LAM expression in old fat bodies (K, yellow arrows) or mimicked by LAM depletion in young fat bodies (I, white arrows). REL, green; LAM, red; DAPI, blue. Nuclei boxed by white squares were enlarged to the right. Scale bars, 10 μm.
L. LAM loss upon aging or by RNAi causes up regulation of genes involved in the IMD signaling in fat bodies. Red line, nuclear LAM.
All flies were raised in conventional conditions.