Figure 3. Phase-specific transcription factors at circadian enhancers.
(A) Relative transcription of genes closest to oscillating eRNAs (within 200kb of TSS). (B) Motifs specifically enriched in each eRNA group are labeled in the clock diagram on the left. Position weight matrix (PWM) of each motif and its best enrichment p-value in assigned groups are shown in the table on the right. (C) Correlation of motif occurrence and TF binding in 8 eRNA phase groups. In each plot, the red dots represent the fraction of eRNA loci bound by the indicated TF (top 3,000 ChIP-seq peaks), and black bars represent the fraction of eRNA loci containing the corresponding motif. Correlation coefficient r is shown for phase-specific motifs. TFs recognizing different types of motifs are grouped in colored boxes corresponding to those used for eRNA phases. See also Figure S3 and Table S3.