Figure 6.
The case of a 10-month-old girl with double collecting system on the left side and functionally relevant obstruction of the upper pole owing to a ureterocele. In the MR nephrography [(a) region of interest (ROI) definition, (b) signal curves and renal function evaluation], normal ratio of split renal function is found with 56% (right side): 44% (left side) corresponding to 53%:47% in (c) mercaptoacetyltriglycine (MAG3) scintigraphy. If the slope of the parenchymal phase in MR nephrography is examined separately for both poles on the left side and the right kidney, the upper pole exhibits a smaller increase (m = 1.61) than does the healthy contralateral kidney (m = 2.63) that indicated reduced filtration capacity. Measuring the healthy lower pole, a notably higher increase (m = 3.68) is found than in the contralateral side, potentially caused by hyperfiltration. (d) A similar finding can be seen in the MAG3 scintigraphy. LK, left kidney; LP, lower pole; RK, right kidney; UP, upper pole.