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. 2014 Nov 25;8:223. doi: 10.3389/fnsys.2014.00223

Table 1.

Center-embedded and non-embedded sentences in German.

Peter wusste, dass…
Peter knew that…
der Schriftsteller, [der mit Uwe lebte], Andreas erkannt hatte.
the writer(Masc. Nom.), [who with Uwe lived], Andreas(Acc.) recognized had.
the writer, who lived with Uwe, had recognized Andreas.
den Schriftsteller, [der mit Uwe lebte], Andreas erkannt hatte.
the writer(Masc. Acc.), [who with Uwe lived], Andreas(Nom.) recognized had.
Andreas had recognized the writer who lived with Uwe.
der Dirigent die kleine Sarah und Anna besucht hatte.
the conductor(Masc. Nom.) the(Fem. Acc.) little Sarah and Anna visited had.
the conductor had visited the little Sarah and Anna.
den Dirigenten die kleine Sarah und Anna besucht hatte.
the conductor(Masc. Acc.) the(Fem. Nom.) little Sarah and Anna visited had.
the little Sarah and Anna had visited the conductor.

Every sentence started with “Peter wusste, dass (Peter knew that)”. Stimulus examples for each condition are displayed above in German with a word-by-word translation in English underneath. Embedded structures for EMB-S and EMB-O are bracketed. EMB-S = Center-embedded structure, Subject first; EMB-O = Center-embedded structure, Object first; NonEMB-S = Nonembedded structure, Subject first; NonEMB-O = Nonembedded structure, Object first; Masc. = Masculine gender; Fem. = Feminine gender; Nom. = Nominative; Acc. = Accusative. (from Jeon and Friederici, 2013).