Figure 3. Delay eyeblink conditioning is impaired in patDp/+ mice.
(a) Top: Neural circuitry involved. The conditioned stimulus (CS) pathway is shown in green, the unconditioned stimulus (US) pathway in red, and the conditioned response (CR) pathway in blue. PN: pontine nuclei; GrC: granule cells; PC: Purkinje cells; IO: inferior olive; AIN: anterior interposed nucleus; TN: trigeminal nucleus; RN: red nucleus; FN: facial nucleus. CR production results when the CS is paired with a co-terminating US, possibly through long-term depression (LTD) at GrC (parallel fiber) to PC synapses, resulting in AIN disinhibition. Bottom: conditioning protocol showing the 280ms CS (LED) followed after 250ms by the 30ms US (airpuff). (b) and (c) UR and CR traces. Note that t=0ms corresponds to the CS onset (see protocol in A). (b) Typical eyelid closure during the UR (triggered by the US at t=250ms) in recordings from a WT mouse (black trace) and a patDp/+ mouse (gray trace). (c) Typical traces showing the CR/UR after CS-US pairing at day 1 (black) and the CR at day 12 (red) in a WT mouse (left) and a patDp/+ mouse (right). CR traces look similar in patDp/+ mice, but occur at a lower success rate. (d) Time graph showing CR acquisition (% occurrence) during sessions A1-12 in WT (n=11) and patDp/+ mice (n=10). A repeated-measures two-way ANOVA indicates a significant effect of genotype (F1,209=18.94; p=0.0003) and of time (F11,209=19.43; p=4×10−13) with no significant interaction (F11,209=1.54; p=0.1179). (e) CR performance during extinction sessions X1-4 and reacquisition sessions R1-3. Repeated-measures two-way ANOVAs show no significant effect of genotype on extinction and reacquisition over time (extinction: F1,51=0.04; p=0.8390; reacquisition: F1,34=0.42; p=0.5248) with a significant effect of time (extinction: F3,51=7.61; p=0.0003; reacquisition: F2,34=13.06; p=0.0001), but no interaction (extinction: F3,51=0.33; p=0.8019; reacquisition: F2,34=0.18; p=0.8395). Error bars are ± SEM. *indicates p<0.05.