Fig. 1.
Presentation of L1-Fc by protein A results in enhanced L1 adsorption and improved directed presentation of L1-Fc. a ELISA was used to determine the relative amounts of L1-Fc on the polymer thin films treated with and without PA. L1-Fc (2, 10, 50 μg/ml) was adsorbed on PDL with and without PA (PDL, PA/PDL) or PA alone (PA). b Representative QCM-D plots of frequency versus time: L1-Fc deposition on PDL (red); PA/PDL (blue), and PA (green). c Voigt mass of L1-Fc deposition modeled from QCM-D data subsequent to PDL, PA/PDL, or PA deposition. d The percent of L1-Fc adsorbed onto each surface during the QCM-D, from a bulk concentration of 10 μg/ml of L1-Fc. PDL poly-d-lysine. PA protein A (* denotes p < 0.05)