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Table 1.

Distribution of individuals of Dicorynia guianensis according to the 16 possible combinations of four architectural descriptors

Architectural decriptor 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111
Number of individuals 216 11 9 1 59 11 71 15 240 17 8 1 44 14 35 6

Each branching system was characterized using a four digit code (see text): absence (0***) or presence (1***) of sequential branches on the main stem; absence (*0**) or presence (*1**) of epicormic branches on the main stem; submittal part of the main stem alive (**0*) or dead (**1*); vertical (***0) or oblique (***1) orientation of the main stem. For example, the code ‘0010’ corresponds to trees devoid of sequential branches, devoid of epicormic branches, with a dead submittal part of the main stem and orientated vertically.