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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2014 Nov 25.
Published in final edited form as: Educ Eval Policy Anal. 2010 Mar;32(1):84–117. doi: 10.3102/0162373709359805

Table 3.

Two-Level Hierarchical Linear Regression Predicting Academic Achievement

Math IRT Cumulative GPA

Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 1 Model 2 Model 3

Coef. Coef. Coef. Coef. Coef. Coef.
ESL Placement −3.60 (1.17)** −2.41 (1.05)* −.10 (.85) −.18 (.06)** −.11 (.04)** −.09 (.04)*
Black −2.12 (1.92) −.13 (1.72) −.03 (1.50) −.24 (.10)* −.04 (.07) −.04 (.07)
Mexican −1.61 (1.46) −.70 (1.30) −1.51 (1.04) −.25 (.08)*** −.10 (.04)* −.10 (.05)*
Non-Mexican Latino −4.25 (1.42)** −2.79 (1.21)* −3.85 (1.01)*** −.22 (.08)* −.08 (.04) −.08 (.04)*
Korean 14.48 (2.20)*** 12.66 (1.85)*** 9.99 (1.64)** .31 (.11)*** .10 (.06) .08 (.06)
Japanese 15.91 (3.36)*** 12.78 (2.88)*** 8.44 (2.64)** .42 (.13)*** .13 (.08) .10 (.09)
Filipino 1.97 (2.25) .60 (2.15) −.48 (1.65) .09 (.13) −.04 (.08) −.05 (.08)
Chinese 15.34 (1.76)*** 11.41 (1.59)*** 8.76 (1.31)*** .42 (.10)*** .06 (.05) .04 (.05)
South Asian 4.50 (1.76)* 3.36 (1.66)* 3.29 (1.38)* .13 (.08) .02 (.06) .02 (.06)
Southeast Asian 3.00 (1.61) 1.56 (1.52) 1.16 (1.17) .14 (.08) −.01 (.05) −.01 (.05)
Native American −3.18 (3.11) −2.03 (2.31) −2.81 (2.10) −.19 (.13) −.08 (.12) −.08 (.13)
Multiracial 6.75 (2.52)** 3.91 (2.04) 1.38 (1.62) .25 (.12)* .00 (.06) −.02 (.06)
Parents’ Education 1.11 (.33)*** .46 (.30) .01 (.25) .06 (.02)*** .02 (.01) .02 (.01)
Income .68 (.32)* .86 (.29)** .57 (.25)* −.03 (.02) .00 (.01) −.01 (.01)
Number of Family Resources .68 (.13)*** .45 (.12)*** .20 (.10)* .02 (.01)*** .01 (.00) .01 (.00)
Female −2.98 (.71)*** −4.09 (.67)*** −3.57 (.55)*** .26 (.03)*** .13 (.02)*** .13 (.02)
Intact Family Structure 1.41 (.68)* .58 (.61) .48 (.54) .10 (.04)* .04 (.02) .04 (.02)
Arrived in U.S. ≤ 5 Years Prior 6.18 (2.41)* 3.70 (2.19) 2.52 (1.98) .31 (.11)*** .14 (.06)* .13 (.06)*
Arrived in U.S. ≥ 6 Years Prior 4.66 (1.49)** 3.48 (1.39)* 1.98 (1.13) .17 (.08)* .09 (.05) .08 (.05)
Second Generation 4.67 (1.45)** 3.60 (1.29)** 2.43 (1.07)* .15 (.08) .07 (.04) .06 (.04)
Student Placed in 6th Grade+ upon Arrival in U.S. .42 (1.89) .01 (1.79) .61 (1.59) −.01 (.08) −.04 (.06) −.03 (.06)
Highest Age Quartile −4.29 (.95)*** −2.16 (.89)* −1.99 (.77)* −.23 (.05)*** −.06 (.04) −.05 (.04)
College Aspirations 1.07 (.39)** .27 (.40) .11 (.33) .07 (.02)* .00 (.02) .00 (.02)
Student Reported English Ability 3.33 (.63)*** 2.69 (.61)*** .16 (.49) .02 (.04) .00 (.03) −.02 (.03)
Native Language Use .09 (.51) −.13 (.49) .28 (.37) .02 (.03) .02 (.02) .03 (.02)
Parent Speaks Non-English 4.12 (1.08)*** 2.52 (.99)* 1.68 (.86)* .13 (.06) −.02 (.04) −.02 (.04)
Parent Questionnaire in Spanish 2.01 (1.30) 1.14 (1.14) −.13 (.88) .12 (.07) .00 (.06) −.01 (.06)
Parent Contacted School: Student’s Performance −2.73 (.51)*** −.77 (.51) −.82 (.43) −.25 (.03)*** −.06 (.02)** −.06 (.02)**
Parent Contacted School: Student’s Course Taking 0.33 (.81) −.18 (.77) .40 (.59) .03 (.04) −.03 (.02) −.03 (.02)
Parent Advice about School 1.31 (.65)* 1.01 (.58) .97 (.55) .04 (.03) .01 (.02) .01 (.02)
Parent Saving for College 0.93 (.75) 1.00 (.68) .73 (.58) .04 (.04) .01 (.03) .01 (.03)
Parent Has Rules about GPA −0.32 (.90) −.20 (.81) −.06 (.66) −.09 (.05)* −.04 (.03) −.04 (.03)
9th Grade High Math 4.04 (.65)*** 2.87 (.53)*** .03 (.03)*** .03 (.03)***
9th Grade GPA 6.86 (.43) 4.09 (.39)*** .69 (.02) .67 (.02)
Base Year Test Accommodations −2.78 (2.67) −1.22 (1.74) −.09 (.21) −.10 (.22)
Retained Before 10th Grade −3.84 (1.16)** −2.11 (.99)* −.05 (.05) −.04 (.05)
10th Grade Reading Score .76 (.04)*** .01 (.00)***
Intercept 40.21 (2.56)*** 39.43 (2.37)*** 40.91 (1.93)*** 2.50 (.13)*** 2.63 (.08)*** 2.64 (.08)***






Note: For brevity, coefficients for school level variables are not shown (region, locale, student teacher ratio, average learning hindrances, proportion free lunch, LEP, Asian, special education, and immigrant). Also, at the individual level, coefficients for age quartiles and language minority imputed are not shown.

Numbers in parentheses () are standard errors.

Source: ELS Base Year and First Follow-Up Transcript Component