Figure 6.
Effect of nucleosomes having two linker DNAs on ISW2 binding and sliding. The 289 bp (67-N-75, lanes 1–6), 255 bp (67-N-41, lanes 7–12), and 218 bp (67-N-4, lanes 13–18) nucleosomes (50 nM) were incubated with increasing amounts of ISW2 (8 nM, lanes 2, 3, 8, 9, 14, and 15; 25 nM, lanes 4, 10, and 16; 75 nM, lanes 5, 11, and 17; 150 nM, lanes 6, 12, and 18) with or without ATP (400 nM) and then separated by native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. D and N indicate the position of free DNA and nucleosome in the gel shift, and N*ISW2 and N*ISW22 indicate where one and two molecules of ISW2 are bound to the nucleosome.