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. 2014 Nov 25;9(11):e113353. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0113353

Table 1. Study population and number of kidney failure events in individuals aged 0 to 78 years (born 1932 and later and alive in 1987).

Males Females All
Population Kidney failure events Population Kidney failure events Population Kidney failure events
No % No % No % No % No % No %
Age at diagnosis (years)
0–9 286 1.4 263 2.2 549 1.7
10–19 424 2.0 419 3.6 843 2.6
20–29 998 4.8 706 6.0 1704 5.2
30–39 1695 8.2 1100 9.3 2795 8.6
40–49 2698 13.0 1585 13.5 4283 13.2
50–59 4712 22.8 2557 21.7 7269 22.4
60–69 6700 32.4 3477 29.5 10177 31.4
70–78 3175 15.3 1667 14.2 4842 14.9
Subtype of kidney failure
Acute kidney failure 6385 30.9 3678 31.2 10063 31.0
Chronic kidney failure 11872 57.4 6796 57.7 18668 57.5
Unspecified kidney failure 2431 11.7 1300 11.1 3731 11.5
Socioeconomic status
Farmer 69645 1.7 609 2.9 50935 1.3 263 2.2 120580 1.5 872 2.7
Self-employed 161705 3.9 1591 7.7 106967 2.7 476 4.0 268672 3.3 2067 6.4
Professional 359536 8.7 2435 11.8 251700 6.4 720 6.1 611236 7.6 3155 9.7
White collar worker 1192177 29.0 5898 28.5 1390397 35.3 4421 37.5 2582574 32.1 10319 31.8
Blue-collar worker 1848695 45.0 9952 48.1 1689070 42.8 5750 48.8 3537765 43.9 15702 48.4
Other 480443 11.7 203 1.0 452801 11.5 144 1.2 933244 11.6 347 1.1
Region of residence
Northern Sweden 427832 10.4 2120 10.2 402535 10.2 1290 11.0 830367 10.3 3410 10.5
Large city 1632588 39.7 8828 42.7 1575746 40.0 4861 41.3 3208334 39.8 13689 42.2
Southern Sweden 2051781 49.9 9740 47.1 1963589 49.8 5623 47.8 4015370 49.9 15363 47.3
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
No 3910183 95.1 18979 91.7 3763810 95.5 10467 88.9 7673993 95.3 29446 90.7
Yes 202018 4.9 1709 8.3 178060 4.5 1307 11.1 380078 4.7 3016 9.3
No 4080976 99.2 20058 97.0 3885685 98.6 11217 95.3 7966661 98.9 31275 96.3
Yes 31225 0.8 630 3.0 56185 1.4 557 4.7 87410 1.1 1187 3.7
Alcoholism and related liver disease
No 3994406 97.1 18453 89.2 3883021 98.5 11184 95.0 7877427 97.8 29637 91.3
Yes 117795 2.9 2235 10.8 58849 1.5 590 5.0 176644 2.2 2825 8.7
Diabetes Mellitus
No 3998103 97.2 13930 67.3 3868649 98.1 8345 70.9 7866752 97.7 22275 68.6
Yes 114098 2.8 6758 32.7 73221 1.9 3429 29.1 187319 2.3 10187 31.4
No 3928928 95.5 10841 52.4 3791314 96.2 6965 59.2 7720242 95.9 17806 54.9
Yes 183273 4.5 9847 47.6 150556 3.8 4809 40.8 333829 4.1 14656 45.1
Coronary heart disease
No 3975828 96.7 15160 73.3 3879307 98.4 9561 81.2 7855135 97.5 24721 76.2
Yes 136373 3.3 5528 26.7 62563 1.6 2213 18.8 198936 2.5 7741 23.8
No 4038432 98.2 17537 84.8 3892316 98.7 10276 87.3 7930748 98.5 27813 85.7
Yes 73769 1.8 3151 15.2 49554 1.3 1498 12.7 123323 1.5 4649 14.3
No 4067712 98.9 19437 94.0 3917158 99.4 11233 95.4 7984870 99.1 30670 94.5
Yes 44489 1.1 1251 6.0 24712 0.6 541 4.6 69201 0.9 1792 5.5
Heart failure
No 4068915 98.9 16408 79.3 3920737 99.5 9833 83.5 7989652 99.2 26241 80.8
Yes 43286 1.1 4280 20.7 21133 0.5 1941 16.5 64419 0.8 6221 19.2
All 4112201 100.0 20688 100.0 3941870 100.0 11774 100.0 8054071 100.0 32462 100.0