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. 2014 Nov 25;9(11):e113758. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0113758

Table 3. Main Effects and Interactions for Relationship Domains Predicting Psychosocial Outcomes.

Unstandardized Regression Coefficients for Outcomes Measured at Month:
3 6 12
Predictors b S.E. β b S.E. β b S.E. β
Cognitive Development
Latina −2.73 1.46 −.19 −1.83 2.07 −.06 −6.07* 2.77 −.25
White −3.00* 1.34 −.23 −.68 1.95 .002 −6.65 2.54 −.31
Asian −2.00 1.91 −.09 −.84 2.58 −.04 −3.25 3.41 −.09
Birth Orderb .87 .96 .07 1.73 1.36 .08 −1.00 1.79 −.05
Maternal Age −.11 .09 −.09 .05 .12 .02 .06 .16 .03
Obstetric Risk −.01 .82 −.001 −1.20 1.08 −.07 −3.22* 1.43 −.18
Birth Weight Percentile .05* .02
GAB (95% Confidence Interval) 1.72*** (.86–2.58) .43 .28 1.54* (.38–2.70) .59 .24 1.99* (.45–3.51) .77 .20
Psychomotor Development
Latina .03 1.96 .001 −6.58* 2.82 −.25 −6.57 4.16 −.18
White −1.12 1.79 −.07 −1.93 2.63 −.08 −2.62 3.82 −.08
Asian −.02 2.55 −.001 −4.00 3.53 −.10 −2.84 5.12 −.05
GAB (95% Confidence Interval) 1.90** (.77–3.04) .58 .24 2.94*** (1.37–4.51) .80 .27 3.79** (1.52–6.05) 1.15 −.25

aEthnicity is dummy coded for Latina, White, and Asian.

bBirth order is dummy coded so a score of 1 indicates first pregnancy.



