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Fig. 2. Relationships between (A) proportions of flowering plants (%) and (B) number of panicles per plant and age at onset of dormancy (days from sprouting) in P. bulbosa plants sampled at locations with different aridities (110–810 mm rain year–1). Flowering was determined in parental plants grown under natural conditions (net‐house). Age at the onset of dormancy was determined in daughter plants grown in the phytotron under 16 h days, 22/16 °C (day/night). A, % flowering y = 162·0 – 1·3x, r = –0·826, d.f. = 14, P < 0·001; B, panicles per plant y = 11·98 – 0·09x, r = –0·594, d.f. = 14, P < 0·02. Numbers indicate population codes (see Table 1).