The Dlx3b protein is expressed in the developing olfactory sensory system. A) The Dlx3b protein (red) is highly expressed in the anterior border of the neural plate at 2ss in region giving rise to the OP (arrows) and adjacent medial cells (asterisks) will contribute to the telencephalon. B) At 24 hpf the OPs are evident (arrows) adjacent to the telencephalon (asterisks). Cells in green are Sox10:GFP positive neural crest cells separating the OPs from the telencephalon. (C, D, D1–2) Wholemount embryos, dorsal view, anterior toward top of page. Dlx3b protein 2ss in the anterior neural plate where region of interest (C, boxed area) shows Dlx3b positive nuclei in the border of the neural plate (D, D1, red) with the initiation of laminin immunoreactivity (D, D2, green, arrow). E) At 2ss laminin signal is observed in the ventral border of the eye field (E, E2, green, arrowheads). The dorsal olfactory field (E, E1, red) is not divided by laminin expression at this stage. F) At 8ss the laminin signal extends dorsally (F, F2, arrowheads) reaching the telencephalic and OP fields (F, F1, red, arrows). G) At 14ss laminin immunoreactivity (G, G2, arrowheads) separates telencephalic and OP fields (G, G1, arrows). H) At 20ss laminin immunoreactivity is much stronger (H, H2) and is localized to the region of the basal lamina of the OP (H, H2, arrowhead) and telencephalon (H, H2, arrows). All images are wholemount embryos. A–D, H are dorsal views; E–G, are frontal views. EF, Eye Field; ov, Optic vesicle, OP, Olfactory placode; T, Telencephalon. Scale bars: A, 100 µm; B, C, 50 µm; D = 25 µm; E, F, G, 50 µm; H= 25 µm.