Figure 3.
Absence of ALOX5 prevents tau hyper-phosphorylation in R/I stressed 3xTg mice. (A). Representative western blot analysis of cortical RIPA lysates of 3xTg (n = 6), 3xTg R/I stressed (n = 7), 3xTg/5LO−/− (n = 4) and 3xTg/5LO−/− R/I stressed (n = 5) animals immunoblotted for total tau (HT7), phosphorylated tau at Th231/Th235 (AT180), at Ser396/Ser404 (PHF1) and at Ser396 (PHF13) tau species. (B). Densitometric analyses of the immunoreactivities shown in the previous panel. The densitometry for phosphorylated tau is and expressed a ratio with total soluble tau (HT7). (C). Representative western blot analysis for formic acid extractable tau in brain cortex lysates form 3xTg, 3xTg R/I, 3xTg5Lo−/− and 3xTg5LO−/− R/I. Results are mean ± SEM (*P < 0.05).