Figure 6.
Comparison of the orientations of ommatidia and rhabdoms in Brachycera and the phantom midge Chaoborus crystallinus (Culicomorpha). (A) Chaoborus crystallinus (Melzer, R.R and Zimmerman, T. unpublished result) (B) Brachycera. Positions of peripheral retinula cells R1–R6 are shown as round dots and the orientation of the cell body of R7 relative to its contribution to the central rhabdomere is shown as a line. The orientation of R7 shows that the ommatidia of Brachycera and Chaoborus differ in their orientations by 30°. Hence, the arrangement in (B) can be obtained by rotating (A) 30° and rearranging the rhabdomeres in a trapezoidal position. Note that adjacent ommatidia align horizontally in Chaoborus and many other Nematocera (A), but vertically in all Brachycera (B). These horizontal and vertical ommatidial alignments are highlighted by bold black hexagons. Retinula cell identities are shown below.