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. 2014 Nov 23;9:169. doi: 10.1186/s13012-014-0169-x

Table 3.

Practice characteristics by study wave

Characteristic Wave I Wave II p value c
( N= 31 a ) ( N= 58 b )
Outer setting
Practice type: n (%)
 Academic practice 3 (10) 5 (10) 0.4
 Federally designated health center or rural clinic 9 (30) 20 (39)
 Hospital outpatient practice 5 (17) 6 (12)
 Private practice 8 (27) 19 (37)
 Other (Free Clinics, etc.) 5 (16) 2 (4)
 Missing 1 6
Practice location: n (%)
 Rural 11 (38) 15 (29) 0.7
 Suburban 6 (21) 14 (27)
 Urban 12 (41) 23 (44)
 Missing 2 6
Clinician owned: n (%)
 Yes 8 (27) 13 (25) 1.0
 No 22 (73) 40 (75)
 Missing 1 5
PBRN member
 Yes 31 (100) 39 (67) 0.0002
 No 0 19 (33)
Inner setting
Medical record type: n (%)
 EHR 28 (93) 43 (81) 0.2
 Paper 2 (7) 10 (19)
 Missing 1 5
Number of full-time clinicians: n (%)
 1 4 (14) 8 (16) 0.7
 2 5 (18) 7 (14)
 3–5 10 (36) 12 (24)
 ≥6 9 (32) 22 (45)
 Missing 3 9
Mid-level practitioners: n (%)
 Yes 19 (63) 35 (66) 0.8
 No 11 (37) 18 (34)
 Missing 1 5
Ever in QI project: n (%)
 Yes 25 (89) 31 (65) 0.0292
 No 3 (11) 17 (35)
 Missing 3 10

aOne wave I practice did not provide any baseline information.

bOne wave II practice did not provide any baseline information.

c p values obtained from Fisher’s exact test.

EHR electronic health record, eGFR estimated glomerular filtration rate, QI quality improvement, PF practice facilitator, LLC local learning collaborative.