Fig. 3.
Comparison of two different vaccines. (A) The mean pre-vaccination landscape (gray) and landscape after vaccination with A/Sydney/5/97 (blue) in the 1998 study (123 individuals), or (B) with A/Nanchang/933/95 (green) in the 1997 study (102 individuals) for each position on the antigenic summary path. Dots along the x-axis indicate the subset of 70 viruses used to generate these landscapes. The vertical dotted lines indicate the position of the SY97 (blue) and WU95 (green) wild type vaccine viruses. (C) Comparison of titer increase after vaccination with A/Nanchang/933/95 or A/Sydney/5/97 for each position along the antigenic summary path. Above the horizontal midpoint indicates higher response to the A/Sydney/5/97 vaccine, below to the A/Nanchang/933/95 vaccine. Data were calculated from the average titer increase between each individual’s paired post-vaccination and pre-vaccination titers, with 95% (dark gray) and 99% (light gray) t-test based confidence intervals. The scale bar indicates 2 antigenic units.