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. 2005 Jan;95(1):177–190. doi: 10.1093/aob/mci011

Table 1.

Previous studies on the relationship between genome size with altitude (Alt.) and latitude (Lat.)

Alt. + Pop. 15 Dasypyrum villosum in Italy Caceres et al., 1998
Alt. + Sp. 4 Crambe and 3 Sonchus in Macronesia Suda et al., 2003
Alt. + Pop. 12 Zea mays southwestern USA Rayburn and Auger, 1990
Alt. + Sp. Crepis praemorsa Godelle et al., 1993
Alt. + Sp. Hypocheris Cerbah et al., 1999
Alt. + Sp. Secale species Bennett, 1976a; Smith et al., 1976
Alt. + Pop. Teosinte Laurie and Bennett, 1985
Alt. + Sp. 11 Salix (mountain species with greatest DNA content) Thibault, 1998
Alt. Sp. 8 Argyranthemum in Macronesia Suda et al., 2003
Alt. Pop. 20 Arachis duranensis in Argentina/Bolivia Temsch and Greilhuber, 2001
Alt. Pop. 8 Dactylis glomerata in Spain Creber et al., 1994
Alt. Pop. 17 Dactylis glomerata in France and Italy Reeves et al., 1998
Alt. Pop. 12 Zea mays in New Mexico Rayburn, 1990
Alt. Pop. Corn (knob number) Mangelsdorf and Cameron, 1942; Longley and Kato, 1965; Wellhausen et al., 1952; Bennett, 1976b
Alt. Pop. 24 Berberis in Patagonia Bottini et al., 2000
Alt. Pop. 15 Zea mays Poggio et al., 1998
Alt. Pop. 11 Arachis duranensis Singh et al., 1996
Alt. Pop. 23 Zea mays Southwestern USA. Rayburn, 1990
Alt. ns Sp 4 Silene and 5 Micromeria in Macronesia Suda et al., 2003
Alt. ns Pop. 10 Sesleria albicans European Lysak et al., 2000
Alt. ns Sp. 21 Artemisia Torrel and Valles, 2001
Alt. ns Sp. 51 neotropical Lonchocarpus trees Palomino and Sousa, 2000
Alt. ns Pop. 5 Dactylis glomerata in Slovenian Alps Vilhar et al., 2002
Alt. ns Sp. 7 Echeandia Palomino, 1993
Lat. + Pop. Several Picea sitchensis Miksche, 1967, 1971
Lat. + Sp. Tropical vs. temperate grasses Avdulov, 1931
Lat. + Sp. 329 tropical vs. 527 temperate plants Levin and Funderburg, 1979
Lat. + Sp. 17 Poaceae and 15 Fabaceae crops Bennett, 1976a
Lat. + Pop. 24 Berberis in Patagonia Bottini et al., 2000
Lat. Sp. 20 Arachis duranensis in Argentina/Bolivia Temsch and Greilhuber, 2001
Lat. Pop. Several Festuca arundinacea Ceccarelli et al., 1992
Lat. Pop. North American cultivars of Zea mays Rayburn et al., 1985
Lat. Sp. 162 British plants Grime and Mowforth, 1982
Lat. Sp. 23 Arctic plants Bennett et al., 1982
Lat. Pop. 22 North American Zea mays Rayburn et al., 1985
Lat. Pop. 11 North American Zea mays Laurie and Bennett, 1985
Lat. ns Sp. 18 pines Joyner et al., 2001
Lat. ns Pop. 6 Allium cepa cultivars Bennett et al., 2000
Lat. ns Pop. Several Picea glauca Teoh and Rees, 1976
Lat. ns Pop. 10 Dactylis glomerata Creber et al., 1994
Lat. ns Sp. 11 Tropical vs. temperate Pines Hall et al., 2000
Lat. ns Sp. 19 Helianthus Sims and Price, 1985

Correlations are either +, −, not significant (ns), or non-linear (∧). Studies were classified into different levels: those dealing with different populations of the same species (Pop.) or multiple species (Sp.).