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. 2005 Jan;95(1):177–190. doi: 10.1093/aob/mci011

Table 6.

Previous studies on the relationship between genome size (GS) and generation time (Gen.) or relative growth rate (RGR)

Gen. + GS annuals <GS perennialsin 45 spieces of Vicia Chooi, 1971
Gen. + GS annuals <GS obligate perennials in 271 angiosperms Bennett, 1972
Gen. + GS annuals <GS perennials in 22 species of Crepis Jones and Brown, 1976
Gen. + GS annuals <GS perennials in 18 species of Helianthus Sims and Price, 1985
Gen. + GS annuals <GS perennials in 10 Arachis sp Singh et al., 1996
Gen. + GS annuals <GS perennials in 565 angiosperms (genus level) Vinogradov, 2001
Gen. + GS annuals <GS perennials in 24 species of Lathyrus Nandini and Murray, 1997
Gen. ns Annuals vs. perennials in 401 CA angiosperms Knight and Ackerly, 2002
Gen. + Length of vegetative period in maize strains Tito et al., 1991
Gen. + Helianthus annuus Natali et al., 1993
Gen. + Days to flowering in 30 populations of Festuca arundinacea Ceccarelli et al., 1993
Gen. + Minimum seed-bearing age in 18 North American pines Wakamiya et al., 1993
Gen. + Maize Rayburn, 1994
Gen. Initial month flowering in 42 Allium species Labani and Elkington, 1987
Gen. Tetraploids flowered earlier than diploids, populations of D. glomerata Bretagnolle and Thompson, 1996
Gen. First month flowering in 28 Allium species Baranyi and Greilhuber, 1999
Gen. ns 162 British annuals and perennials Grime and Mowforth, 1982
Gen. ns Pisum sativum Cavallini et al., 1993
Gen. ns Seed germination to anthesis, 15 populations of Dasypyrum villosum Caceres et al., 1998
RGR + Rate of leaf extension at low temperatures for 24 UK species Grime et al., 1985
RGR + Pisum sativum Cavallini et al., 1993
RGR + Epicotyl length 2–3 d after germination in 10 populations of Vicia faba Minelli et al., 1996
RGR + Growth at low temperatures for 7 population of Trifolium repens Campbell et al., 1999
RGR + 16 grassland species in UK Leishman, 1999
RGR 6 weeks growth for 44 tillers of Poa annua Mowforth and Grime, 1989
RGR 10 d after germ. in 30 populations of Festuca arundinaceae Ceccarelli et al., 1993
RGR 12 Southwestern Zea mays Biradar et al., 1994
RGR Relative growth rate for 30 pines Grotkopp et al., 1998
RGR ns Helianthus annuus Natali et al., 1993
RGR ns Growth 7–21 d following germination for 43 species in the UK Grime et al., 1997

Correlations are either +, −, or not significant (ns).