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. 2014 Sep 17;14:962. doi: 10.1186/1471-2458-14-962

Table 3.

Proportion (%) of park users by different socio-demographic characteristics and usage patterns in the four study locations

Characteristics Taradale (a) (n = 167 observed)% Martindale (b) (n = 184 observed)% West Hillhurst (c) (n = 227 observed)% Meadowlark (d) (n = 205 observed)%
Female 35.3 38.6 44.8 42.4
Male 64.7 61.4 53.7 57.6
Unknown** 0.0 0.0 1.3 0.0
Age group*
Child/teenager 23.4b, c, d 58.7a, c, d 35.7a, b 33.2a, b
Adult 76.6 41.3 64.3 66.8
Group (other people)*
Alone 46.7c 42.9c 36.1a, b, d 50.2c
With another person 53.3 57.1 63.9 49.8
Time of day*
Morning (8:30-12:30) 27.5b, c 17.9a, c, d 49.1a, b, d 29.8b, c
Afternoon (14:30-18:30) 72.5 82.1 50.9 70.2
Day of week*
Weekday 31.1b 44.0a, d 35.2d 24.4b, c
Saturday 24.0c, d 25.5c, d 37.8a, b, d 48.3a, b, c
Sunday 44.9b, c, d 30.4a 27.0a 27.3a
Activity type inside park*
Sedentary 1.8c, d 1.1c, d 15.9a, b, d 11.2a, b, c
Walking 28.1b, c, d 42.4a, c, d 7.0a, b, d 58.5a, b, c
Dog-related activity 36.5b, d 24.4a, c, d 41.9b, d 4.9a, b, c
Jogging/running 2.4 4.3 4.0 2.9
Cycling 28.1c 25.0c 3.1a, b, d 25.9c
Playing 4.2c 6.0c, d 33.5a, b, c 2.4b, c
Observed for 2-minutes* 94.6b, d 88.6a, c, d 95.7b, d 43.4a, b, c

*Statistically significant differences for category among parks based on Pearson’s Chi-Square; aSignificantly different from Taradale (p < .05); bSignificantly different from Martindale (p < .05); cSignificantly different from West Hillhurst (p < .05); dSignificantly different from Meadowlark (p < .05)**Unknown due to unidentifiable sex of infant in stroller. Note for activity type, multiple activities could be reported for a single case.