Figure 4.
Antisense RNA of PTENP1. Antisense transcription of the pseudogene PTENP1. The RefSeq annotation includes only one isoform (top annotation track) while the Ensembl annotation does not have this transcript annotated. Our data, based on Cufflinks assembly, suggest two alternative isoforms for this transcript labeled PTENP1-AS2 and PTENP1-AS3. The PTENP1-AS2 isoform includes a novel exon, higlighted by a red arrow, which overlaps ensembl annotation of other genes. It is suggested here that this ensembl annotation is wrong and that these genes are part of the PTENP1-AS gene. *The Cufflinks assembly shown here has been cleaned up a bit. For the direct output delivered by Cufflinks see Additional file 12.