Figure 1.
The flg22 Response Is Enhanced in acd6-1 and the Wild Type after 24 h of BTH Treatment.
(A) to (D) Chemical treatment schemes for the indicated panels: (A) for (E), (F), and (H); (B) for (G); (C) for (I); (D) for (J) and (K). In (A), (B), and (D), “on water” indicates that tissue was excised and floated on water to facilitate flg22 uptake.
(E) and (F) ROS accumulation after 1 µM flg22 treatment of the indicated plants (n > 6). The times of the ROS accumulation peaks in the wild type (Col) and acd6-1 (a6-1) are is shown in the top right corner (E); – or + indicates the absence or presence of flg22 (F).
(G) Callose deposition in leaves of the indicated plant lines (n > 24) as a percentage of the flg22-treated wild type (Col). – or + indicates without or with acd6-1 and absence or presence of flg22.
(H) ROS accumulation after 1 µM flg22 treatment in the indicated plants. The graph shows total ROS accumulation after 1 µM flg22 treatment.
(I) Callose deposition after mock, 1 μL flg22, or 10 µg/mL chitin treatment in wild-type plants pretreated for 24 h with 100 µM BTH or water as a percentage of chitin-treated plants (n > 30).
(J) Total ROS accumulation after 1 µM flg22 treatment in wild-type plants pretreated for 24 h with 100 µM BTH or water (n = 12).
(K) ROS accumulation after 1 µM flg22 treatment in wild-type plants pretreated for 24 h with 100 µM BTH or water (n = 6).
RLU, relative light units. Error bars in (E), (F), (H), (J), and (K) are sd of data from representative experiments. Error bars in (G) and (I) are se of data from three independent experiments analyzed together. Except for the experiments in (H), which were repeated twice, all experiments were repeated three times with similar results. Letters above bars represent significance groups as determined by the Newman-Keuls multiple comparison test, P < 0.05 or better ([F] to [J]).