Figure 1. Downregulation of p18INK4c at senescence.
A. HDFs (TIG3) were passaged continuously until they reached replicative senescence (Sen). Cell lysates prepared at the indicated population doublings (PD) were fractionated by SDS-PAGE and immunoblotted for p16INK4a, p21CIP1 and p18INK4c. Right panel shows a direct comparison between proliferating (P) and senescent (S) cells. B. HDFs (TIG3) were infected with a retrovirus encoding H-RASG12V or the empty vector control (Vec). Following drug selection, the levels of p18INK4c and p16INK4a were assessed by immunoblotting. C. Primary MEFs were infected with a retrovirus encoding H-RASG12V or the empty vector control (Vec). The levels of p18Ink4c and p16Ink4a were assessed by immunoblotting. D. HDFs (Hs68) were infected with a retrovirus encoding HA-tagged p16INK4a. The levels of p18INK4c and p16INK4a were assessed by immunoblotting. E. MG132 had no effect on p18INK4c levels in cells transduced with HA-p16INK4a or empty vector. F. The Leiden strain of p16INK4a-deficient fibroblasts were passaged until they reached senescence. Samples taken at the indicated PDs were immunoblotted for p18INK4c, with CDK4 as a loading control.