Table 1.
study | location | diagnostic system |
sampling method |
response level (%) |
sample size |
assessment tool |
validity & reliability of tool |
training of coders |
inter-rater reliability |
proportion of males (% |
mean age (year) |
injection users (%) |
ASPD prevalence (%) |
Li 1998[30] a, b | hospital | DSM-Ⅳ | convenience sampling | NR | 30 | PDI-Ⅳ | A | A | A | 66.7 | 29 | 10.0 | 36.7 |
Chen 1999[18] | prison | DSM-Ⅲ-R | random sampling | NR | 260 | SCID-Ⅱ | A | A | A | 100 | 35 | NR | 34.6 |
Chen 1999[18] | hospital | DSM-Ⅲ-R | random sampling | NR | NR | SCID-Ⅱ | A | A | A | 100 | 35.2 | NR | 61.7 |
Zhu 1999[31] a | compulsory rehabilitation center |
DSM-Ⅲ-R | random sampling | NR | 40 | SCID-Ⅱ | A | NR | A | 52.5 | 26.8 | NR | 27.5 |
Zhang 2000[32] | hospital | CCMD-2-R | convenience sampling | NR | 300 | PSE+ CCMD-2-R |
A | NR | NR | 66.0 | 26.4 | 58.7 | 9.0 |
Guo 2001[17] | hospital | CCMD-2-R | convenience sampling | NR | 128 | not clear | --- | --- | --- | NR | NR | NR | 3.1 |
Zhao 2001[25] a, b | compulsory rehabilitation centr |
DSM-Ⅲ-R | convenience sampling | NR | 216 | SCID-Ⅱ | A | A | A | 76.4 | 29 | 72.7 | 47.7 |
Lu 2005[33] | hospital | DSM-Ⅲ-R | convenience sampling | NR | 113 | SCID-Ⅱ | A | A | NR | 72.7 | 30.1 | 69.1 | 34.5 |
Deng 2006[34] | compulsory rehabilitation center |
DSM-Ⅳ | convenience sampling | NR | 217 | DIGS+ DSM-Ⅳ |
UA | NR | NR | 83.9 | 30.8 | 67.7 | 14.7 |
Du 2006[35] a, b | hospital | DSM-Ⅲ-R | convenience sampling | NR | 93 | SCID-Ⅱ | A | A | NR | 77.4 | 30.1 | NR | 41.9 |
Chiang 2007[36] a | hospital | DSM-Ⅳ | convenience sampling | NR | 155 | MINI | A | A | A | 79.4 | 30.8 | 85.2 | 38.7 |
Fu 2008[37] | compulsory rehabilitation center |
DSM-Ⅳ | convenience sampling | 72.7 | 298 | PDQ4+ PDI-Ⅳ |
A | A | A | 100 | 32.3 | NR | 21.5 |
Song 2010[38] | MMT outpatient clinic |
DSM-Ⅳ | random sampling | 85.7 | 90 | SCID-Ⅱ | A | NR | NR | 59.0 | 28 | NR | 33.3 |
Yang 2011[39] a, b | hospital | DSM-Ⅳ | consecutive sampling | 99 | 120 | SCID-Ⅱ | A | A | A | 92.5 | 33 | 54.2 | 35.8 |
Yang 2011[39] a, b | compulsory rehabilitation center |
DSM-Ⅳ | consecutive sampling | 99 | 882 | SCID-Ⅱ | A | A | A | 66.9 | 33.2 | 87.9 | 41.4 |
Xu 2013[40] | MMT outpatient clinic |
DSM-Ⅳ | convenience sampling | NR | 100 | SCID-Ⅱ | A | A | A | 80.0 | 42.4 | NR | 20.0 |
Xu 2014[41] a, b | MMT outpatient clinic |
DSM-Ⅳ | consecutive sampling | 92.3 | 603 | MINI | A | A | A | 67.2 | 38.1 | 84.0 | 36.8 |
A, acceptable; UA, unacceptable; NR, not reported
MMT, methadone maintenance treatment; PDI-Ⅳ, personality disorder interview; SCID-Ⅱ, structured clinical interview for DSM-Ⅳ axis Ⅱ disorder; PSE, Present State Examination;
DIGS, Diagnostic Interview For Genetic Studies; MINI, Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview; PDQ4, personality questionnaire-4; ASPD, antisocial personality disorder
aonly reported sex-specific prevalence
bonly reported prevalence by route of administration