Figure 4. A case of low-grade glioma.
(a) Axial diffusion-weighted trace image (b = 1000 sec/mm2). (b) The bi-exponential fitting of the diffusion signal decay over a wide-range of b values (up to 3,500). (c) Axial apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) map. (d) The D map. (e) The f map. (f) The D* map. The DWI shows a mild hyperintense mass (ROI 1) on the right frontal-temporal region in a patient with grade II glioma. On the ADC and D map, the region of tumor is confirmed as higher signal intensity (increased ADC value, encoded in a green–yellow–red color schema) compared to the healthy white matter (ROI 2). The f map demonstrates a higher perfusion fraction region compared to the healthy white matter. The D* map shows a slightly decreased fast-diffusion values in the tumor tissue compared to the healthy white matter.