Table 1.
Analysis | Basis | Reference |
Contamination estimates based on the X-chromosomes | BC | [19] b |
Type specific error estimation estimated by simultaneously estimating allele frequencies and genotype likelihoods | GL | [10] |
Type specific error estimation based on an outgroup and a high quality genome | BC | [20] ab |
Genotype likelihoods (GL) (diploids) | BC/Seq | [6,8,10,15] |
Allele frequencies for a site | BC/GL/GP | [21] b [10] |
SNP discovery (LRT) used for rejecting that the allele frequency is different from zero | GL | [10] |
Genotype posteriors (GP) can be used for calling genotypes by specifying a cutoff | GL/SAF | [9,10] |
Sample allele frequencies (SAF) the probability of all read data given the sample allele frequency | GL/GP | [9] b |
Population differentiation statistics F st | SAF | [14] ac |
Population structure via principle components analysis (PCA) | GP | [14] ac |
Admixture analysis (NGSadmix) NGS data | GL | [22] ab |
Detection of ancient admixture ABBA-BABA/d-statistics | BC | [20] b |
Estimation of SFS (1D) | SAF | [9] ab |
Estimation of SFS (2D) | SAF | |
Selection scans, Neutrality tests (e.g θ’s and Tajima’s D) | SAF | [12] ab |
Estimation of individual and site-wise Inbreeding coefficients. Also MAF and GP estimation for inbreed individuals | GL | [13] abc |
Allele frequency based association for case/control data) | GL | [10] |
Association score test in a generalized linear model framework for both quantitative and case/control data while allowing for additional covariates | GL-GP | [11] b |
Table of the supported analyses in ANGSD. aindicates methods that require a secondary program in ANGSD package. bindicates methods for which ANGSD is the de facto implementation and care user supplied extensions for ANGSD. The basis for each analysis is either the sequencing data (Seq), base counts (BC), genotype likelihood (GL), sample allele frequencies (SAF) or genotype probabilities (GP).