Case | Virus type | Strain | Elephant namea | Host species, sex, and ageb | Location | Yr | Pathologyc (reference) | DNA sourced | Sequenced DNA (bp) |
1 | EEHV3 | NAP27 | Hansa | EM, F, 7y | Seattle, WA | 2007 | Fatality (3) | Necropsy tissue sample | 4,117 |
2 | EEHV4 | NAP22 | NA | EM, F, 5y | Oklahoma | 2004 | Fatality (3) | Necropsy tissue sample | 5,743 |
3 | EEHV5A | NAP28 | NA | EM, F, 69y | Washington, DC | 2007 | Routine (4) | WB sample | 14,615 |
4 | EEHV5A | NAP50 | Methai2 | EM, F, 40y | Texas | 2011 | Letharg. (17) | WB sample | 26,090 |
5 | EEHV5B | NAP58 | Tucker3 | EM, M, 8y | Texas | 2011 | Asympt. (17) | WB, TW samples | 29,347 |
6 | EEHV6e | NAP35 | NA | LA, F, 15m | Arkansas | 2009 | Sympt. (4) | WB sample | 31,828 |
Total | 111,749 |
NA, not available.
The host animal species (Elephas maximus [EM] or Loxodonta africana [LA]), sex (female [F] or male [M]), and age (in months [m] or years [y]) is shown.
Letharg., lethargic; Asympt, asymptomatic; Sympt, symptomatic.
WB, whole blood; TW, trunk wash fluid.
Survived after FCV treatment.