FIG 5.
U LIII-edge XAFS analyses of 48-h-old WT and pilA biofilms. (A) Magnitude (Mag) of Fourier transform (FT) spectra (symbols) and models (lines). The spectra are offset for clarity. (Inset) U(IV) moiety consistent with the measured EXAFS spectra for both WT and pilA biofilms [small gray sphere, U(IV); large gray spheres, oxygen; black spheres, carbon]. (B and C) Real part of Fourier transform of WT (B) and pilA (C) biofilms. The components of the model are shown offset beneath the total model and the measured spectrum. χ, fine structure function; k, wave number of the photoelectron; Re, real part of FT; R, bond distance; Oeq, equatorial oxygens; M.S., multiple scattering paths.