FIG 5.
Overview, analysis, and modeling of SAXS data of OAS3. (A) Experimental scattering from OAS3 (circles) and theoretical scattering curves of ab initio modeling by DAMMIF (continuous orange line) and rigid-body modeling by SASREF (continuous red line) and Bunch (continuous blue line). The inset shows the Guinier region. (B) P(r) function for OAS3 computed from scattering patterns using GNOM. (C) Radius of gyration distribution of initial ensemble pool (purple line) and selected structures (black line) using EOM. (D) Docking of the rigid-body model obtained from Bunch to the representative DAMMIF-derived ab initio model shape envelope. (E) Docking of the rigid-body model obtained by SASREF to the representative DAMMI-derived ab initio model envelope.