BTV segment (protein) | No. of amino acids | No. of sequences | Date range | Correlation coefficient for best-fitting root | Substitution rateb | 95% HPDc | TMRCAd (95% HPD) |
1 (VP1) | 1,302 | 28 | 1977–2010 | 0.7583 | 4.34E−04 | 3.47E−4 to 5.17E−4 | 210 (171–252) |
2 (VP2) | 961 | 18 | 1979–2010 | 0.9717 | 3.92E−04 | 2.91E−4 to 4.91E−4 | 85 (67–105) |
3 (VP3) | 901 | 27 | 1977–2010 | 0.3626 | 4.40E−04 | 3.24E−4 to 5.50E−4 | 173 (130–218) |
4 (VP4) | 644 | 28 | 1977–2010 | 0.3946 | 4.75E−04 | 3.25E−4 to 6.19E−4 | 164 (120–216) |
5 (NS1) | 552 | 28 | 1977–2010 | 0.4914 | 4.55E−04 | 2.62E−4 to 6.44E−4 | 667 (396–1012) |
6 (VP5) | 526 | 18 | 1979–2010 | 0.9672 | 4.77E−04 | 3.05E−4 to 6.58E−4 | 63 (47–82) |
7 (VP7) | 349 | 24 | 1977–2010 | −0.3642 | 3.56E−04 | 1.80E−4 to 5.33E−4 | 188 (101–295) |
8 (NS2) | 354 | 27 | 1977–2010 | 0.7811 | 5.27E−04 | 3.36E−4 to 7.18E−4 | 102 (73–137) |
9 (VP6) | 330 | 28 | 1977–2010 | −0.0149 | 4.46E−04 | 2.48E−4 to 6.42E−4 | 107 (45–182) |
9 (NS4) | 77–79 | 28 | 1977–2010 | 0.3635 | 6.66E−04 | 2.69E−4 to 1.12E−3 | 83 (48–131) |
10 (NS3) | 229 | 28 | 1977–2010 | 0.7742 | 3.79E−04 | 2.10E−4 to 5.63E−4 | 210 (120–319) |
10 (NS3a) | 216 | 28 | 1977–2010 | 0.7504 | 4.08E−04 | 2.24E−4 to 6.06E−4 | 209 (120–318) |
Data for segments with low correlation coefficients are underlined and in bold italics.
Nucleotide substitutions per site per year. The model used was SRD06 (31). The following segments were excluded: Seg-3 of BTV 15; Seg-7 of BTV 3, -7, -15, and -16; and Seg-8 of BTV 15.
HPD, highest probability density.
TMRCA, time to the most recent common ancestor before the most recent date of isolation (in years).