Vps4A-EQ binding inhibits the motility of HSV and PRV particles. Cells were induced with tetracycline to express Vps4A or Vps4A-EQ at the time of infection by PRV and HSV (Pre Tet-) or were induced 16 h prior to HSV infection (Pre Tet+) as described in the legend to Fig. 3. Induction was continued for the following 16 h, and then PNS were prepared and viral particles tested for their ability to bind and traffic along microtubules. Percentage of binding was calculated by comparing the numbers of capsid-associated particles added to the imaging chamber with the number bound to microtubules after washing. Motility efficiency was calculated by comparing the numbers of capsid-associated particles bound to microtubules to those that became motile following the addition of ATP. (A, B) Efficiency of microtubule binding of all HSV or PRV particles. Total numbers of particles counted for each virus, cell line, and induction condition are indicated under the bars. (C, D) Efficiency of motility of all bound HSV or PRV particles. (E, F) Efficiency of microtubule binding by the HSV or PRV viral particle subpopulation that was associated with Vps4A or Vps4A-EQ. (G, H) Efficiency of motility of microtubule-bound Vps4A- or Vps4A-EQ-decorated HSV and PRV particles. For all panels, plotted values represent the means and standard deviations.