FIG 4.
Effects of temperature and pH on activity of purified RhEst1. (A) The pH profile was calculated according to standard protocols by using the following buffers (100 mM): sodium citrate (●), sodium phosphate (◼), Tris-HCl (▲), and sodium carbonate (◆). The enzyme activity of 198 μmol/min/mg protein was defined as 100%. (B) Temperature profile determined at various temperatures (20°C to 70°C) in KPB (pH 8.0; 100 mM). The enzyme activity of 522 μmol/min/mg protein was defined as 100%. (C) Thermostability was estimated at 30°C (●), 40°C (◼), and 50°C (▲). The specific activity of the enzyme at 100% was 193 U/mg.