FIG 2.
Relative expression of representative genes in IAV-dispersed cells compared to biofilm bacteria. The upper graph shows log2 fold changes in expression of representative genes involved in colonization, including competence, fratricide (Frat), and transparent phenotype (Trans), amino acid biosynthesis and transport, pyrimidine and purine metabolism, and translation, including both ribosomal proteins and other translational proteins. The middle graph shows log2 fold changes in expression of genes involved in carbohydrate metabolism, including PTSs, ABC systems (ABC tp), and enzymes and regulators involved in metabolism of various carbon sources. The lower graph shows log2 fold changes in expression of genes involved in bacteriocin function, including biosynthesis, immunity, and transport (Tp), stress response proteins, including heat shock proteins (Hsp) and other stress response genes, and common virulence factors.