FIG 2.
EPR spectra of DMPO adducts obtained in RIF-treated and -untreated M. tuberculosis suggest ·OH involvement. DMPO (0.1 M) was added to lysates of M. tuberculosis H37Rv grown for 3 days in the absence of RIF (spectrum A) or in the presence of 8 μg/ml RIF (spectrum B). Lysates from samples grown in the presence of RIF were treated with 10 μg/ml SOD (spectrum C), 10 μg/ml CAT (spectrum D), 100 mM THIO (spectrum E), 10 μg/ml SOD and 1 mM DTPA (spectrum F), or 1% ethanol (spectrum G) or treated in hypoxic conditions by 15 min N2 bubbling (spectrum H). No signals were detected in PBS in the absence of M. tuberculosis lysates (spectrum I). Adduct attribution: DMPO-OH (aH = aN = 14.9 G; marked with ○), DMPO oxidation product (aN = 15.4 G and aβH = 23 G; marked with ●), and DMPO-CHCH3OH (aN = 15.4 G and aβH = 22.7 G; marked with ▼). M. tuberculosis lysates were incubated with scavengers at 37°C, 10 min before DMPO addition. Spectra were acquired at 37°C, 2 min after DMPO addition. For instrument settings, see Materials and Methods. The EPR spectra obtained after 1 day of incubation with RIF were superimposable to those obtained after 3 days shown here. Mtb, M. tuberculosis.