Table 1.
Differentially expressed genes in prewarning microarray of gastric cancer.
GenBank | Number | Description of gene |
Highly expressed genes in gastric cancer | ||
1 | NM_001962 | Homo sapiens ephrin-A5 (EFNA5) |
2 | XM_017384 | Homo sapiens matrix metalloproteinase 7 (MMP7) |
3 | NM_008610 | Mus musculus matrix metalloproteinase 2 (Mmp2) |
4 | NM_004995 | Homo sapiens matrix metalloproteinase 14 (MMP14) |
5 | AF093573 | Bos taurus angiopoietin-1 (ang-1) |
6 | AF004327 | Homo sapiens angiopoietin-2 |
7 | M11730 | Human tyrosine kinase-type receptor (HER2) |
8 | U13948 | Human zinc finger/leucine zipper protein (AF10) |
9 | XM_049646 | Homo sapiens similar to octamer-binding transcription factor 3B (OCT-3B) |
10 | XM_055784 | Homo sapiens fibroblast growth factor 2 (basic) (FGF2) |
11 | XM_056035 | Homo sapiens proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) |
12 | L24203 | Homo sapiens ataxia-telangiectasia group D-associated protein |
13 | XM_087201 | Homo sapiens similar to RED protein, IK cytokine |
14 | X00663 | Human mRNA fragment for epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor |
15 | NM_002607 | Homo sapiens platelet-derived growth factor alpha polypeptide (PDGFA) |
16 | XM_165656 | Homo sapiens matrix metalloproteinase 2 (MMP2) |
17 | NM_005918 | Homo sapiens malate dehydrogenase 2, NAD (mitochondrial) (MDH2) |
18 | AF503165 | Homo sapiens HUS1 checkpoint homolog (HUS1) gene |
19 | XM_045667 | Homo sapiens antigen identified by monoclonal antibody Ki-67 (MKI67) |
20 | XM_050913 | Homo sapiens frequently rearranged in advanced T-cell lymphomas (FRAT1) |
21 | XM_032866 | Homo sapiens signal transducer and activator of transcription 5A (STAT5A) |
22 | NM_004103 | Homo sapiens protein tyrosine kinase 2 beta (PTK2B) |
23 | XM_008355 | Homo sapiens membrane protein, palmitoylated 2 (MPP2) |
24 | L18920 | Human MAGE-2 gene exon 2, 3, 4 |
25 | M12174 | Human ras-related rho |
26 | NM_012333 | Homo sapiens c-myc binding protein (MYCBP) |
27 | BC016514 | Homo sapiens, similar to translocated promoter region (to activated MET oncogene) |
28 | NM_004324 | Homo sapiens BCL-2 associated X protein (BAX) |
29 | Z26580 | cyclin A |
30 | D45906 | LIMK-2 |
31 | D21255 | OB-cadherin-2 |
32 | X54925 | Type I interstitial collagenase |
33 | X05232 | Stromelysin, matrix metalloproteinase 3 |
34 | M22612 | Human pancreatic trypsin 1 (TRY1) |
35 | XM_055254 | Homo sapiens fibronectin 1 (FN1) |
36 | AF081127 | Danio rerio fibronectin (fn2) |
37 | M15796 | Human cyclin protein gene |
38 | HSFIBEDA | Human fibronectin gene ED-A region |
39 | HSU66406 | Human putative EPH-related PTK receptor ligand LERK-8 (Eplg8) |
40 | AF068846 | Homo sapiens scaffold attachment factor A (SAF-A) |
41 | HSBTRCP | Homo sapiens mRNA for beta-transducin repeat containing protein |
42 | AF110763 | Homo sapiens skeletal muscle LIM-protein 1 (FHL1) gene |
43 | HUMHO2SOS1 | Human mRNA for heme oxygenase-2 |
44 | HSHMSH16 | Human mutator hMSH2 gene |
45 | HSEHK1 | Homo sapiens mRNA for EHK-1 receptor tyrosine kinase |
46 | HSKLON30 | Homo sapiens mRNA for unknown antigen |
47 | AB005047 | Homo sapiens mRNA for SH3 binding protein |
48 | AF070561 | Homo sapiens clone 24703 beta-tubulin |
49 | HUMCAM1V | Human vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 |
50 | HSRNASMG | Homo sapiens mRNA for Sm protein G |
51 | X83228 | Homo sapiens mRNA for LI-cadherin |
52 | AF125100 | Homo sapiens HSPC039 protein |
53 | HSU97018 | Homo sapiens echinoderm microtubule-associated protein homolog HuEMAP |
54 | HSU43188 | Human Ets transcription factor (NERF-2) |
55 | HSY17392 | Homo sapiens mRNA for prefoldin subunit 1 |
56 | HSU08316 | Human insulin-stimulated protein kinase 1 (ISPK-1) |
57 | HZNF232G2 | Homo sapiens zinc finger protein ZNF232, exons2 and 3 |
58 | HUMP53T | Human p53 cellular tumor antigen |
59 | J03040 | Human SPARC/osteonectin |
60 | XM_053809 | Homo sapiens similar to chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan 2 (versican) |
61 | L40379 | Homo sapiens thyroid receptor interactor (TRIP10) |
62 | HSU72069 | Human karyopherin beta2 |
63 | HUMPGK2 | Human phosphoglycerate kinase (pgk) mRNA, exons 2 to last |
64 | HSU07139 | Human voltage-gated calcium channel beta subunit |
65 | XM_001472 | Homo sapiens v-jun sarcoma virus 17 oncogene homolog (avian) (JUN) |
66 | AU100088 | Human phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (hPGDH) gene |
67 | HUMKRUPZN | Human Kruppel related zinc finger protein (HTF10) |
68 | AF077050 | Homo sapiens neuroendocrine-specific protein C homolog |
69 | HUMSC35A | Human splicing factor SC35 |
70 | HUMPTPB | Homo sapiens protein tyrosine phosphatase (CIP2) |
71 | AF049608 | Homo sapiens monocarboxylate transporter 2 (MCT2) |
72 | HUMHEK | Human receptor tyrosine kinase (HEK) |
73 | J03210 | Human collagenase type IV |
74 | HSRAB9P40 | Homo sapiens mRNA for Rab9 effector p40 |
75 | AF184924 | Homo sapiens zinc finger transcription factorBTEB2 gene |
76 | HUMC5A2A | Human fibrillar collagen (proa2 (V)) gene |
77 | HUMGAPA | Human GTPase-activating protein ras p21 (RASA) |
78 | HUMGLURS | Human glutamate receptor subunit (GluH1) |
79 | AF047715 | Homo sapiens A-kinase anchoring protein (AKAP18) |
80 | HSU40282 | Homo sapiens integrin-linked kinase (ILK) |
81 | HSATPF1M | Human mRNA for mitochondrial ATP synthase(F1-ATPase) alpha subunit |
82 | AF152485 | Homo sapiens protocadherin alpha 7 short formprotein (PCDH-alpha7) |
83 | HSRP19 | Human mRNA for 19 ku protein of signal recognition particle (SRP) |
84 | U17195 | Homo sapiens A-kinase anchor protein (AKAP100) |
85 | HSU79299 | Human neuronal olfactomedin-related ER localizedprotein |
86 | XM_037859 | Human focal adhesion kinase (FAK) |
87 | HSU04209 | Human-associated microfibrillar protein |
88 | D82878 | Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus mRNA for p34cdc2 |
89 | AF060515 | Homo sapiens cyclin K (CPR4) |
90 | D21262 | Human mRNA for KIAA0035 gene |
91 | NM_005641 | Homo sapiens TATA box binding protein-associatedfactor, RNA polymerase II, 85 ku |
92 | HSU07550 | Human chaperonin 10 |
93 | X82153 | Homo sapiens mRNA for cathepsin 0 |
94 | HSU41766 | Human metalloprotease/disintegrin/cysteine-richprotein precursor (MDC9) |
95 | AB017019 | Homo sapiens mRNA for JKTBP2 |
96 | HUMFNC | Human cellular fibronectin |
97 | U93033 | Homo sapiens thyroglobulin (TG) |
98 | AF0304354 | Homo sapiens proteoglycan 3 (PRG3) gene |
99 | HUMCOL3IX | Homo sapiens collagen alpha 3 type IX (COL9A3) |
100 | NM_002427 | Homo sapiens matrix metalloproteinase 13(MMP13) |
101 | AF039747 | Homo sapiens cadherin-10 (CDH10) |
102 | AF072242 | Homo sapiens methyl-CpG binding protein MBD2(MBD2) |
103 | HSMYCC | Human c-myc oncogene |
104 | HSTSPM | Homo sapiens tissue specific mRNA |
105 | HSU64317 | Human Crk-associated substrate relatedprotein Cas-L |
106 | HSVACM1 | Homo sapiens mRNA for vasopressin activatedcalcium mobilizing receptor-like protein |
107 | HUMPA1V | Human pro-alpha-1 (V) collagen |
108 | AF059611 | Homo sapiens nuclear matrix protein NRP/B (NRPB) |
109 | HSU004845 | Human a6 (I V) collagen (COL4A6) |
110 | M87860 | Human S-lac lectin L-14-II (LGALS2) gene |
111 | AF492837 | Human mRNA for osteopontin |
112 | HSCOX7BM | Homo sapiens coxVIIb mRNA for cytochromec oxidase subunit VIIb |
113 | U01244 | Human fibulin-1D |
114 | U52153 | Human inwardly rectifying potassium channelKir3.2 |
115 | S66427 | RBP1=retinoblastoma binding protein 1 [human, Nalm-6 pre-B cell leukemia, mRNA, 4834 nt] |
116 | AF117108 | Homo sapiens IGF-II mRNA-binding protein3 (IMP-3) |
117 | HSU49083 | Human cell surface heparin binding protein HIP |
118 | HSU59289 | Human H-cadherin |
119 | HSU95032 | Human growth-arrest-specific protein 2 |
120 | HSU18018 | Human E1A enhancer binding protein (E1A-F) |
121 | HUMCGRPB | Homo sapiens (clone HSNME29) CGRP type1 receptor |
122 | X59543 | Human mRNA for M1 subunit of ribonucleotidereductase |
123 | AF072810 | Homo sapiens transcription factor WSTF |
124 | AF005068 | Homo sapiens breast and ovarian cancersusceptibility protein splice variant (BRCA1) |
125 | HSU66197 | Human fibroblast growth factor homologous factor1 (FHF-1) |
126 | HUMVTNR | Human cell adhesion protein (vitronectin) receptoralpha subunit |
127 | HSA6417 | Homo sapiens mRNA for beta-tubulin foldingcofactor D |
128 | AF109126 | Homo sapiens stromal cell-derived receptor-1 beta |
129 | AB030078 | Homo sapiens mRNA for K-sam-II03 |
130 | HUMMFAP | Homo sapiens extracellular matrix protein (MFAP3)gene |
131 | HUMCOLVA | Human alpha-2 type V collagen gene |
132 | HUMAAMP1X | Homo sapiens angio-associated migratory cell protein (AAMP) |
133 | Y08319 | Homo sapiens mRNA for kinesin-2 |
134 | HSVWFR1 | Human mRNA for pre-pro-von Willebrand factor |
135 | S60085S2 | ADMLX=putative adhesion molecule [human,mRNA, 4121 nt, segment 2 of 2] |
136 | HSU51334 | Homo sapiens signal transducing adaptor molecule 2A (STAM2) |
137 | AF435957 | Homo sapiens Ly-6 antigen/uPA receptor-likedomain-containing protein |
138 | NM_000245 | Homo sapiens met proto-oncogene (hepatocytegrowth factor receptor) |
139 | XM_044659 | Homo sapiens c-src tyrosine kinase (CSK) |
140 | AF061573 | Homo sapiens protocadherin (PCDH8) |
141 | HUMMFAP | Homo sapiens extracellular matrix protein (MFAP3)gene |
142 | AF081535 | Homo sapiens CDC45L (CDC45L) |
143 | HUMCA1XIA | Human alpha-1 type XI collagen (COL11A1) |
144 | AB016625 | Homo sapiens OCTN2 gene |
145 | AF151899 | Homo sapiens CGI-141 protein |
146 | HSU12535 | Human epidermal growth factor receptor kinasesubstrate (Eps8) |
147 | HSFCRIB | Human mRNA for high affinity Fc receptor (FcRI) 慴 form’ |
148 | HSU74628 | Homo sapiens cell division control related protein (hCDCrel-1) |
149 | AF039564 | Homo sapiens retinoblastoma binding protein (RBBP9) |
150 | HUMGAPA | Human GTPase-activating protein ras p21 (RASA) |
151 | HUMSTK2A | Human protein serine/threonine kinase stk2 |
152 | AF144700 | Homo sapiens small zinc finger-like protein (TIM13) |
153 | HUMTUBAK | human alpha-tubulin |
154 | HUMADCY | Homo sapiens adenyl cyclase-associated protein (CAP) |
155 | HSU89329 | Human alternatively spliced microtubule-associatedprotein 2C (MAP2) |
156 | BC00051 | Homo sapiens, Insulin-like growth factor 2 |
157 | HSU89329 | Human alternatively spliced microtubule-associated protein 2C (MAP2) |
158 | BC00051 | Homo sapiens, insulin-like growth factor 2 |
159 | AB000529 | Homo sapiens, prostate differentiation factor |
160 | HSMAP01 | Human microtuble-associated protein-2 (MAP-2) gene, exon 1 |
161 | X67951 | Human mRNA for proliferation-associated gene (pag) |
162 | M94250 | Human retinoic acid inducible factor (MK) gene |
163 | XM_046278 | Homo sapiens core promoter element binding protein (COPEB) |
164 | HSBM40 | Human mRNA for extracellular matrix protein BM-40 |
165 | HSU76381 | Homo sapiens fibroblast growth factor (FGF-12b) |
166 | HSCALM2S04 | Homo sapiens calmodulin (CALM2) gene, exons 3-6 |
167 | HUMID2X | Human helix-loop-helix protein(ID-2) |
168 | U20758 | Human osteopontin gene |
169 | AF152307 | Homo sapiens protocadherin alpha 11(PCDH-alpha11) |
170 | HUMAAMP1X | Homo sapiens angio-associated migratory cell protein (AAMP) |
171 | HUMMXI1A | Human MXI1 |
172 | AF143536 | Homo sapiens colon cancer-associated protein Mic1(MIC1) |
173 | HSU70322 | Human transportin (TRN) |
174 | HUMMNMP | Human major nuclear matrix protein |
175 | AF071057 | mRNA differentially expressed in GC7901 and GES-1 |
176 | AF219140 | Homo sapiens gastric cancer-related protein GCYS-20 |
177 | HSU40282 | Homo sapiens integrin-linked kinase (ILK) |
178 | HSCA2VR | Human mRNA for pro-alpha 2 (V) collagen chain |
179 | HUMPECAM27 | Homo sapiens platelet/endothelial cell adhesion molecule-1 (PECAM-1) gene |
180 | XM_165823 | Homo sapiens tumor necrosis factor (TNF superfamily, member 2) (TNF) |
181 | D21063 | Homo sapiens MCM2 minichromosome maintenance deficient 2, mitotin |
182 | XM_168045 | Homo sapiens CD24 antigen (small cell lung carcinoma cluster 4 antigen) (CD24) |
183 | XM_030326 | Homo sapiens CD44 antigen (CD44) |
184 | XM_034862 | Homo sapiens interferon regulatory factor 1 (IRF1) |
185 | AB025106 | Homo sapiens mRNA for E-cadherin |
186 | U73704 | Homo sapiens 48 ku FKBP-associated protein FAP48 |
187 | AF380298 | Oncorhynchus mykiss interferon regulatory factor 1 gene, promoter region and partial sequence |
188 | L24203 | Homo sapiens ataxia-telangiectasia group D-associated protein |
189 | D45906 | Homo sapiens mRNA for LIMK-2 |
190 | D21255 | Human mRNA for OB-cadherin-2 |
191 | X54925 | Homo sapiens mRNA for type I interstitial collagenase |
192 | X05232 | Human mRNA for stromelysin, matrix metalloproteinase 3 |
193 | M22612 | Human pancreatic trypsin 1 (TRY1) |
194 | HUMGOS8PPC | Human helix-loop-helix basic phosphoprotein (GOS8) |
195 | HUMTHBS3 | Homo sapiens thrombospondin 3 (THBS3) gene |
196 | HSVECAD | Homo sapiens VE-cadherin |
197 | HSBTRCP | Homo sapiens mRNA for beta-transducin repeat containing protein |
198 | HUMPROFII | Human profilin II |
199 | HSCALT | Homo sapiens mRNA for caltractin |
200 | AF091214 | Homo sapiens WRN (WRN) |
201 | AF070561 | Homo sapiens clone 24703 beta-tubulin |
202 | HUMCD14MCA | Human monocyte antigen CD14 (CD14) |
203 | HUMCAM1V | Human vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 |
204 | AF032900 | Homo sapiens timing protein CLK-1 |
205 | AF070561 | Homo sapiens clone 24703 beta-tubulin |
206 | HSUPUE | Homo sapiens mRNA for unknown protein of uterine endometrium |
207 | HUMIL8RB | Homo sapiens interleukin 8 receptor beta (IL8RB) |
208 | HSERK3 | Homo sapiens ERK3 |
209 | AF208045 | Homo sapiens breast cancer-associated antigen BRCAA1 (BRCAA1) |
210 | AF081259 | Homo sapiens testis-specific chromodomain Y-like protein (CDYL) |
211 | AB022918 | Homo sapiens mRNA for alpha2,3-sialyltransferaseST3Gal VI |
212 | AF057036 | Homo sapiens acetylcholinesterase collagen-like tail subunit (COLQ) |
213 | AF152497 | Homo sapiens protocadherin beta 4 (PCDH-beta4) |
214 | M86752 | Stress-induced phosphoprotein 1 |
215 | L04270 | TNF C receptor |
216 | AF009674 | Axin 1 |
Highly expressed genes in precancerous lesions | ||
1 | HSU72621 | Human LOT1 |
2 | HUMNMOR | Human NAD(P)H: menadione oxidoreductase |
3 | AF009227 | Homo sapiens gamma-heregulin |
4 | HSU44839 | Human putative ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolase(UHX1) |
5 | HUMAAE | Homo sapiens dbpB-like protein |
6 | HSU08316 | Human insulin-stimulated protein kinase 1 (ISPK-1) |
7 | HUMCD3621 | Human antigen CD36 (clone 21) |
8 | Z11899 | Homo sapiens OTF3 mRNA for encoding octamer binding protein 3B |
9 | XM_003226 | Homo sapiens vasoactive intestinal peptide receptor 1 (VIPR1) |
10 | HUMPAI2B | Human plasminogen activator inhibitor 2 (PAI-2) |
11 | HUMACTIIA | Human activin type II receptor |
12 | M93718 | Human nitric oxide synthase |
13 | HSU46837 | Human RNA polymerase II holoenzyme componentSRB7 (SRB7) |
14 | HUMPCNA | Human proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) gene |
15 | HSPCAR | Human mRNA for calcium dependent protease(small subunit) |
16 | HSU12140 | Human tyrosine kinase receptor p145TRK-B(TRK-B) |
17 | HSTOP2A10 | Homo sapiens topoisomerase II alpha (TOP2A) gene,exons 34 and 35 |
18 | HUMYWXD703 | Homo sapiens ADP/ATP carrier protein (ANT-2)gene |
19 | HUMKGF | Human keratinocyte growth factor |
20 | HS40KDAP | Homo sapiens 40 ku protein kinase related to ratERK2 |
21 | HUMPAFAA | Human mRNA for platelet activating factoracetylhydrolase IB gamma-subunit |
22 | HUMLPL | Human lipoprotein lipase |
23 | HUMMYLCC | Human smooth muscle myosin alkali light chain (MLC 1sm) |
24 | HSU10564 | Human CDK tyrosine 15-kinase WEE1Hu (Wee1Hu) |
25 | AF022655 | Homo sapiens cep250 centrosome associated protein |
26 | D49737 | Homo sapiens mRNA for cytochrome b large subunitof complex II |
27 | HUMCD53GLY | Human CD53 glycoprotein |
28 | L02867 | Homo sapiens 62 ku paraneoplastic antigen |
29 | HUMCALBETB | Human voltage-dependent calcium channel beta-1subunit |
30 | HUMEPSURAN | Human surface antigen |
31 | AB020647 | Homo sapiens mRNA for KIAA0840 protein |
32 | HSU88966 | Human protein rapamycin associated protein(FRAP2) gene |
33 | HUMHGLUT1 | Human mRNA for glutamate transporter |
34 | U70663 | Human zinc finger transcription factor hEZF(EZF) |
35 | HSPTS1R | Homo sapiens mRNA for peroxisomal targetingsignal 1 (SKL type) receptor |
36 | HSU61276 | Human transmembrane protein Jagged 1 (HJ1) |
37 | HUMMYONM | Human nonmuscle myosin heavy chain (NMHC) |
38 | AF016270 | Homo sapiens thyroid hormone receptor coactivating protein |
39 | HSU66243 | Human p38 gamma MAP Kinase |
40 | HSU41766 | Human metalloprotease/disintegrin/cysteine-richprotein precursor (MDC9) |
41 | HUMELF2 | Human translational initiation factor 2 beta subunit(elF-2-beta) |
42 | HUMCYCAA | Human somatic cytochrome c (HCS) gene |
43 | NM_013217 | Homo sapiens gene for AF-6 |
44 | AB017642 | Homo sapiens mRNA for oxidative-stress responsive 1 |
45 | AF110956 | Homo sapiens SUMO-1 activating enzyme subunit 1 |
(SAE1) | ||
46 | HUMALR | Human aldehyde reductase |
47 | HUMATPSAS | Human gene for ATP synthase alpha subunit (exon1 to 12) |
48 | AF052497 | Homo sapiens clone B18 |
49 | AB000889 | Homo sapiens mRNA for phosphatidic acidphosphatase 2b |
50 | HUMTPARN | Homo sapiens mRNA for tissue plasminogen activator. |
51 | AF006082 | Homo sapiens actin-related protein Arp2 (ARP2) |
52 | HSU21090 | Human DNA polymerase delta small subunit |
53 | HUMVENHK1 | Human voltage-gated potassium channel (HK1) |
54 | HUMVTNR | Human cell adhesion protein (vitronectin) receptoralpha subunit |
55 | AF091242 | Homo sapiens ATP sulfurylase/APS kinase 2 |
56 | HUMIGFBP1 | Human insulin-like growth factor binding protein-1 (IGFBP1) gene |
57 | AF047439 | Homo sapiens unknown |
58 | AF117386 | Homo sapiens ubiquitin-specific protease (UBP) |
59 | AF092129 | Homo sapiens guanine nucleotide binding protein gamma-3 subunit |
60 | HUMCOXIV | Human cytochrome c oxidase COX subunit IV(COX IV) |
61 | J05412 | Human regenerating protein (reg) gene |
62 | AF054162 | Gccys-1, mRNA differentially expressed betweenGC7901 and GES-1 |
63 | AF054163 | Gccys-2, mRNA differentially expressed betweenGC7901 and GES-1 |
64 | AF054164 | Gccys-3,mRNA differentially expressed betweenGC7901 and GES-1 |
65 | AF054165 | Gccys-4, mRNA differentially expressed betweenGC7901 and GES-1 |
66 | AF054166 | Gccys-5, mRNA differentially expressed betweenGC7901 and GES-1 |
67 | AF054167 | Gccys-6, mRNA differentially expressed betweenGC7901 and GES-1 |
68 | NM_003542 | Homo sapiens H4 histone family, member G(H4FG) |
69 | XM_032781 | Homo sapiens tubulin, gamma 1 (TUBG1) |
70 | XM_083852 | Homo sapiens ribonucleotide reductase M1polypeptide(RRM1) |
71 | HSU51586 | Human siah binding protein 1 (siahBP1) |
72 | X55181 | Human ETS2 gene |
73 | NM_004526 | Homo sapiens MCM2 minichromosomemaintenance deficient 2, mitotin (MCM2) |
74 | XM_040900 | Homo sapiens MAP/microtubule affinity-regulatingkinase 3 (MARK3) |
75 | XM_083852 | Homo sapiens ribonucleotide reductase M1polypeptide(RRM1) |
76 | NM_012145 | Homo sapiens deoxythymidylate kinase(thymidylate kinase) (DTYMK) |
77 | X59543 | Ribonucleotide reductase M1 polypeptide |
78 | M74542 | Human aldehyde dehydrogenase type III (ALDHIII) |
79 | M61855 | Human cytochrome P4502C9 (CYP2C9) |
80 | S37730 | Homo sapiens insulin-like growth factor bindingprotein-2 |
81 | AB015982 | Homo sapiens EPK2 mRNA for serine/threoninekinase |
82 | X67951 | Human mRNA for proliferation-associated gene(pag) |
83 | AF127506 | Homo sapiens adenomatosis polyposis coli tumorsuppressor (APC) gene |
84 | HT880 | Human Gastric mucin 6 |
85 | M63154 | Gastric intrinsic factor |
Highly expressed genes in normal gastric mucous | ||
1 | X05997 | Human mRNA for gastric Lipase |
2 | U75272 | Human gastricsin |
3 | M63154 | Human intrinsic factor |
4 | AF043909 | Homo sapiens gastric mucin (MUC5AC) |
5 | L07518 | Homo sapiens mucin |
6 | M61853 | Human cytochrome p4502C18 (CYP2C18) |
7 | M10942 | Human metallothionein-Ie gene (hMT-Ie) |
8 | L15533 | Homo sapiens pancreatitis-associated protein (PAP)gene |
9 | Z49107 | Homo sapiens galectin |
10 | U52191 | Human SMCY (H-Y) |
11 | NM_005522 | Homo sapiens homeo box A1 (HOXA1) |
12 | M57732 | Human hepatic nuclear factor 1 (TCF1) |
13 | X59770 | Homo sapiens IL-1R2 mRNA for type II interleukin-1 receptor |
14 | X76223 | Homo sapiens MAL gene exon 4 |
15 | U05259 | Human MB-1 gene |
16 | XM_052013 | Homo sapiens polymeric immunoglobulin receptor(PIGR) |
17 | U90065 | Human potassium channel KCNO1 |
18 | M55422 | Human Krueppel-related zinc finger protein (H-plk) |
19 | S78825 | Id1, transcription regulator helix-loop-helix protein |
20 | U19948 | Human protein disulfide isomerase (PDIp) |
21 | U43522 | Human cell adhesion kinase beta (CAKbeta) |
22 | U12139 | Human alphal (XI) collagen (COL11A1) gene, 5region and exon 1 |
23 | M14539 | Human factor XIII subunit |
24 | X65614 | Homo sapiens mRNA for calcium-binding proteinS100P |
25 | AF000560 | Homo sapiens TTF-I interacting peptide 20 |
26 | AF002224 | Homo sapiens Angelman Syndrome Gene, E6-APubiquitin protein ligase 3A |
27 | U57096 | Human janus kinase 3 (Jak3) |
28 | U42600 | Human calcium-activated potassium channel betasubunit |
29 | NM_017406 | cAMP responsive element binding protein-like 1 |
30 | U04806 | Human FLT3/FLK2 ligand |
31 | D84361 | Human p52 and p64 isoforms of N-Shc |
32 | Z30425 | Homo sapiens orphan nuclear hormone receptor |
33 | M16364 | Human creatine kinase-B |
34 | X96924 | Homo sapiens encoding mitochondrial citratetransport protein |
35 | HSNM23H1 | Homo sapiens nm23H1 gene |
36 | NM_014792 | Homo sapiens KIAA0125 gene product (KIAA0125) |
37 | M34041 | Human alpha-2-adrenergic receptor (aipha-2 c2) gene |
38 | XM_002444 | Homo sapiens serine threonine kinase 39 (Stk39) |
39 | NM_001690 | Homo sapiens ATPase, H+ transporting, lysosomal70 ku, V1 subunitA |
40 | L12398 | Human sapiens dopamine receptor D4 (DRD4) |
41 | L76465 | Homo sapiens NAD+ dependent 15hydroxyprostaglandin dehydrogenase (PGDH) |
42 | U57094 | Human small GTP-binding protein |
43 | Z14978 | Homo sapiens mRNA for actin-related protein |
44 | X53961 | Human lactotransferrin |
45 | M62628 | Human alpha-1 Ig germline C-region membrane-coding region |
46 | M84526 | Human adipsin/complement factor D |
47 | X04391 | Human lymphocyte glycoprotein T1/Leu-1 |
48 | X044533 | Homo sapiens sema domain, immunoglobulin domain (Ig), transmembrane domain (TM) andshort cytoplasmic domain, (semaphoring) 4B(SEMA4B) |
49 | AF071054 | Gcys-11, mRNA differentially expressed in cell linesGC7901 and GES-1 |
50 | AF063015 | Homo sapiens cell division protein |
51 | AF071056 | Gcys-17, mRNA differentially expressed in cell lines GC7901 and GES-1 |
52 | AF071058 | Gcys-15, mRNA differentially expressed in cell lines GC7901 and GES-1 |
53 | NM_001730 | Homo sapiens Kruppel-like factor 5 (intestinal)(KLF5), mRNA |
54 | AB047278 | Arabidopsis thaliana AtNdr 1 mRNA for Ndr kinase |
55 | XM_061005 | Homo sapiens similar to Mucin 2 precursor(Intestinal mucin2) |
56 | HUM20D9 | Human gene for 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase |
57 | HSCDC2 | Human CDC2 gene involved in cell cycle control |
58 | AF202051 | Homo sapiens NM23-H8 (NME8) |
59 | NM_005423 | Homo sapiens trefoil factor 2 (spasmolytic protein 1) (TFF2) |
60 | D50419 | Homo sapiens OTK18 |
61 | HSU88870 | Human cell division control-related protein 2b(hcdcrel2b) |
62 | NM_031942 | Homo sapiens cell division cycle associated 7(CDCA7) |
63 | HSU09716 | Human mannose-specific lectin (MR60) |
64 | HSU14394 | Human tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-3 |
65 | Z48314 | Apomucin |
66 | M63154 | Gastric intrinsic factor |
67 | J05412 | Regenerating protein |
68 | M57732 | Hepatic nuclear factor 1 |
69 | U70663 | Kruppel-like factor 4 |
70 | AB002559 | Syntaxin binding protein 2 |
71 | U80226 | GABA transaminase |
72 | U05259 | CD79A |
73 | X04391 | CD5 |
74 | U60800 | CD100 |
75 | M74542 | Aldehyde dehydrogenase 3 |
76 | X66839 | Carbonic anhydrase IX |
77 | L00972 | Cystathionine-beta-synthase |
78 | L41688 | UDP-galactose-4 epimerase |
79 | J03915 | Chromogranin A |
80 | S76942 | Dopamine receptor D4 |
81 | D14695 | Herp |
82 | D50915 | D50915 |
83 | D86961 | HMGIC fusion partner-like 2 |
84 | X96924 | Mitochondrial citrate transporter |
85 | M16364 | Creatine kinase, brain |
86 | M14539 | Factor XIII precursor |
87 | U19948 | Protein disulfide isomerase |
88 | X65614 | S100 calcium binding protein P |
Highly expressed genes associated with metastasis | ||
1 | NM_004994 | Homo sapiens matrix metalloproteinase 9(gelatinase B, 92 ku type IV collagenase) (MMP9) |
2 | XM_053256 | Homo sapiens mucin 1, transmembrane (MUC1) |
3 | XM_010702 | Homo sapiens cathepsin K (pycnodysostosis) (CTSK) |
4 | NM_002628 | Homo sapiens profiling 2 (PFN2), transcript variant 2 |
5 | NM_002128 | Homo sapiens high-mobility group protein 1 (HMG1) |
6 | M28130 | Human interleukin 8 (IL8) gene |
7 | S3488 | Metastasis-associated gene (human, highlymetastatic lung cell subline Anip) |
8 | NM_005231 | Homo sapiens ems1 sequence, transcript variant 1 |
9 | XM_059020 | Homo sapiens similar to GPI-anchored metastasis-associated protein homolog |
10 | NP_571483 | Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) |
11 | I56986 | OPN-a-human (fragment) |
12 | AAG31602 | CD44 isoform v3-v6 |
13 | AF018733 | 92 ku type IV collagenase precursor (matrixmetalloproteinase-9) (MMP-9) |
14 | AF00196 | Octamer-binding transcription factor 2 (OTF-2) |
15 | XM_055254 | Homo sapiens fibronectin 1 (FN1) |
Risk factor genes | ||
1 | V01555 | Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) genome, strain B95-8 |
2 | AF275307 | H pylori plasmid pHPM8 (cagA) |
3 | AF275307 | H pylori plasmid vacA |
4 | AF275307 | H pylori plasmid Urase |
5 | AF431736 | Human herpesvirus 1 strain KOS ICPO gene |
6 | Z86099 | Herpes simplex virus type 2 (strain HG52) |
7 | AF477385 | Human papillomavirus type 16 E7 gene |
8 | AX742207 | Human hepatitis virus 11 type |