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. 2014 Nov 13;3(2):94–97. doi: 10.1016/j.lrr.2014.09.002

Table 1.

Longitudinal registration of disease stage, laboratory values, cytogenetic and molecular analyses.

December 1998 June 2001 September 2010 June 2011
Clinical features Pericarditis and pleuritis Routine follow-up Progressive BM failure BM failure, splenomegaly, and possible myelosarcoma

Lab results
Hemoglobin (mmol/L) 7.9 8.5 5.1 5.3
Platelets (109/L) 206 241 218 25
Leukocytes (109/L) 23.7 33.9 55.5 84.2
Neutrophils (109/L) 12.6 8.8 46.6 61.5
Monocytes (109/L) 5.45 18.6 3.03 4.21

Morphology CMML-1 CMML-1 CMML-1 Dry tap, inconclusive

Blasts incl. promonocytes in BM <5% <5% <5% 20%a

Flow cytometry ND ND CMML (BM) AML (PB)
3% CD34+CD117+myeloblasts 40% CD34+CD117+myeloblasts
84% CD64+myelomonocytoid cells 10% co-expression of CD64

G-banding ND 46,XY[20] 46,XY,dup(9)(p21p21)[6]/46,XY[19] 45,X–Y[5]/46,XY[20]

TET2mutation Positive ND Positive Positive

JAK2mutation Negative ND 93% of BM MNCs 92% of PB MNCs

Array CGH ND ND del(8)(q23.2q24.11) ND

Interphase nuclei FISH ND BM BM PB
Neg. for del(8q) 88% cells with del(8q) 15% cells with del(8q)

BM: bone marrow; ND: not done; PB: peripheral blood; MNCs: mononuclear cells.


Blast count in PB, due to dry tap.