Figure 6.
Shape transformations in a DMPC vesicle in response to a change in temperature from 27.2°C – 41°C. An initially spherical vesicle (1), at 27.2°C, transforms into an oblate ellipsoid (2), at T = 36.0°C. With further increase in temperature, pear shaped vesicles (3,4,5) are stabilized, for 36.0°C < T < 41.0°C, which transforms into a budded vesicle (6), at T = 41°C; Image adopted from reference [39] (Reprinted from Biophys. J, 60 (4), J. Käs, E. Sackmann, Shape transitions and shape stability of giant phospholipid vesicles in pure water induced by area to volume changes, 825–844, Copyright (1991), with permission from Elsevier).