Table 1.
Study (first author, year, reference number) |
Study population | Major findings |
Chen, 2013,43 | 516 Puerto Rican children with and without asthma |
DNA methylation and a SNP in ADCYAP1R1 were associated with asthma risk |
Tsartsali, 2012,48 | 62 Greek children with asthma, on ICS |
SNPs in CRHR1 were associated with baseline Cortisol levels and Cortisol response |
Tantisira, 2004,49 | 1,117 North American children and adults with asthma |
SNPs in CRHR1 were associated with ICS response in multiple populations |
Rogers, 2009,50 | 311 North American children with asthma |
SNPs in CRHR1 were associated with poor long- term response to ICS |
Kim, 2009,70 | 87 Korean adults with COPD |
A SNP in CRHR1 was associated with reduced ICS response |
Dijkstra,2008,52 | 281 Dutch adults with asthma |
No association between CRHR1 variants and ICS response |
Chen, 2009, 53 | 31 Canadian children with asthma |
Children from low SES households had increased expression of pro- inflammatory cytokines |
Miller, 2009,54 | 103 healthy Canadian adults |
Low SES in early life was associated with up- regulation of adrenergic signaling and down- regulation of genes with glucocorticoid response elements |
Wright, 2010, 62 | Birth cohort of 557 American inner-city children |
Cumulative prenatal maternal stress was associated with increased inflammatory cytokine responses in cord blood |
Wright, 2004, 63 | 499 infants from Boston, MA with family history of atopy or asthma |
Higher post-natal stress in caregivers was associated with increased total IgE at age 2 years |
Sternthal, 2011, 64 | Birth cohortstudy of 510 urban children from Boston, MA |
Children from low SES households had higher cord blood IgE and increased risk of wheeze |
Azad, 2012, 65 | Cross-sectional study of 267 Canadian children |
No difference in IL-6 production by ex vivo PBMCs between children with high SES and children who experienced upward social mobility, but PBMC’s from children with persistently low SES had decreased IL-6 production |
Miller, 2006, 67 | 77 children with and without asthma from Vancouver, BC |
Acute and chronic stress were associated with reduced expression of glucocorticoid receptor and beta-adrenergic genes in children with asthma, but with increased expression of these genes in children without asthma |
Miller, 2009, 68 | 143 children with and without asthma from Vancouver, BC |
Low perceived parental support was associated with higher levels of eosinophil cationic protein and increased resistance to corticosteroids in ex vivo PBMCs |
Marin, 2009, 66 | Prospective study of 147 children with and without asthma from Vancouver, BC |
Only asthmatic children with higher levels of chronic stress had increased pro- inflammatory cytokine production when exposed to acute stressors |